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"I usually pass out

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"I usually pass out. I still might do that."

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INDIANA AND STILES have Liam's arms slung around their shoulders, helping him walk as he groans loudly in pain. They push the school doors open, not caring if it swings backwards and bangs against the walls due to the urgency to get somewhere safe. Urgency because the beast had one the fight that Liam picked, leaving him deeply injured with slash marks from the larger claws belonging to the Beast.

The hallways are crowded with many students, all of whom are running as fast as their legs can take them with the fear of losing their precious lives tonight to the monster infiltrating Beacon Hills. Hardly anything can be heard above the petrified screams bouncing off of the walls, people warning others where the Beast is or just trying to make sure that their loved ones are safe from it.

Indiana's heart is pounding faster than ever, fearing losing Liam right here right now. She cannot lose someone, she refuses to. The both of them haven't even confessed their love just yet, despite seeming as though they already have from an outsiders point of view.

Liam, on the other hand, feels guilty for putting himself into that situation and causing his girlfriend to worry/stress this much. His hearing is focused on the sound of her heart to help calm himself down from the injury, not missing a single beat or jump it makes whenever something happens. But he's unable to calm down due to the amount of agony is in, groans and shouts leaving his mouth.

The older boy swings open a door to the nearest classroom, ushering the two sophomores inside before swiping everything off the desk in one motion to which it all falls to the ground with clatters and bangs. He then grabs Liam from Indiana, helping the boy up onto the desk where he lays down in order for the two to help his wound out.

Stiles reaches forwards, ripping open the lacrosse jersey where the wound is. This only reveals a very deep slash wound across his chest, blood continuously seeping out of it and staining his skin until he next washes. Deep breathes are made by Liam, trying to calm himself down yet.

The two uninjured people in the room can hardly look at the wound, a gagging sound leaving Stiles' throat while Indiana turns her head away slightly while her stomach churns. Her breathing is no longer it's usual rhythm as she now finds herself almost gasping for air. Her heart is pounding against her rib cage, fear racing through her body.

"Is it bad?" Liam asks, being quick to catch onto the actions.

"Very." Stiles replies, receiving a hard glare from the girl.

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