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"Your brother is currently getting his ass killed by your boyfriend throwing a temper tantrum

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"Your brother is currently getting his ass killed by your boyfriend throwing a temper tantrum."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

MELISSA NOW STANDS in the animal clinic after Scott had called her, attending to Hayden with the same aim she has for every patient she has; help them survive then nurse them back to health. The room is filled with all sorts of supplies, Indiana watching her mother set them all up.

"What's that?" Liam asks.

"It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood. The problem is, that can injure the kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with." Melissa explains.

The woman then injects a needle into Haydens hand, the girl onto groaning in pain slightly at the stinging feeling. Scott and Theo leave the room to give the nurse space to work on, Liam deciding to stay by Indiana's side as she watches her mother. The blond hand slips into hers, squeezing it gently and earning a small smile from Indi. It seems to be their thing, hand holding.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

Melissa has been attending to the chimera for awhile, the three werewolves having passed out asleep in the waiting room. Indiana's head is resting on Liam's shoulder, their hands interlocked like always.

"Guys." Melissa calls, the three instantly waking up to the sudden voice. "I don't know if it's working or not. She should be showing signs of improvement."

"Can we go see her?" Indiana asks, receiving a nod in response.

The three rise to their feet from their seats, Indiana's hand staying put in Liam's as she pulls him into the room where Hayden lays on the metal table. The weak girl spots them both, Indi giving her a reassuring smile.

"Call Val. My  sister.. Valerie." Hayden instructs, her voice hoarse.

"She's a deputy." Liam tells the woman.

"I think I might know where she is." Scott says. "Theo just texted me about the high school, said there's cops everywhere. Might be another chimera."

"My sister... I don't want to die without my sister." Hayden informs, weak.

"I'll get her." Scott reassures.

"What are you going to tell her?" Indiana asks.

"If I have to, I'll tell her everything." Scott replies, exiting the room.

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