36 | riders on the storm

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"Bad guy, right? I didn't misread that?"

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"Bad guy, right? I didn't misread that?"

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

INDIANA AND LIAM managed to pry the elevator doors open and walk out into the hallway to see it completely deserted. The lights are flickering violently, unable to choose whether to stay on or off.

"Indi..." Liam begins, trailing off.

The brunette glances over at him and notices his eyes elsewhere, following his gaze straight ahead of them to see signs placed up that look like they should be at a train station instead. Multiple places are written on it with both arrival and departure times. There are also tracks on the floor, making it look like a train station a whole lot more.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

The two had gone and retrieved Scott where they had brought him back to the hospital in order to show him what they found. The older boy was surprised to find them still in Beacon Hills but also thankful.

"This is happening everywhere?" Scott questions.

"Here and the lacrosse field." Liam replies, having saw it as they passed by the school.

"What does this mean?" Scott asks aloud.

"It means that it's working." A voice replies, the three looking up to see Mr Douglas as he grows. "Hollenhund."

A growl is heard from behind the three, shifting their gaze off of the adult and turning around to see the hellhound slowly walking towards them. Instead of having the embers floating off of his skin like usual, it's this odd teal colour that match his new eye colour.

"The train is coming, boys and girl. There's no stopping the Wild Hunt." Mr Douglas informs. "You'll make a fine Ghost Rider, Scott. And I'll have a true alpha by my side. And then a banshee, a werecoyote-"

"A Stiles." A voice adds.

A teenage boy appears from around the corner with a baseball bat, smacking the adult around the head forcefully and causing him to fall to the ground. Indiana grins as she realises who it is, recognising that sarcastic boy and his choice of weapon from anywhere.

"Bad guy, right? I didn't misread that?" Stiles questions.

Parrish attempts to charge at the three werewolves, Scott swiftly reaching out and throwing the hellhound against the lowenmensch. The boy of them fall to the ground where the train tracks lay with a loud thud.

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