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"I'd rather get blown up than watch you two start kissing in front of me

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"I'd rather get blown up than watch you two start kissing in front of me."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

MALIA HAS THEO pinned down to the ground, continuously punching him over and over again as more blood just runs down from his nose and his busted lip. The werecoyote then proceeds to extend her claws with the aim of tearing the chimeras body to pieces, Scott having to run forwards and pull her away.

"He's going back in the ground." Scott says.

"You can't." Indiana protests.

"Why not?" Scott asks, confused on why his sister that has a dislike for Theo is helping him.

"He remembers Stiles." Liam replies.

"Scott remembers Stiles. Lydia and I remember Stiles." Malia states. "Indi would too but she's too preoccupied with other things."

"The Dread Doctors knew all about the Wild Hunt. He can help us." Liam informs.

"Or he could kill us." Scott adds.

"He's my responsibility. Noshiko gave me the sword." Liam states.

"It's so awkward when your other half and sibling fight, right, Indiana?" Theo questions.

"Shut up!" Indiana replies, turning back to the two. "The both of you are right. If Theo tries anything then we'll send him back to the skinwalkers."

"He's goes back now." Scott orders.

"Except Liam's the one with the sword." Theo reminds.

"Shut up!" They all yell in unison.

Scott glances over at the two younger werewolves, motioning them over into another room so that they can talk about the situation with no interruptions.

"You don't trust me." Liam says, making assumptions.

"No, I don't trust him." Scott replies. "Do you two?"

"Not one bit." Indiana replies.

"I don't either but I think we can use him." Liam says.

"Remember who he is. He got into your head and you tried to kill me. And when that didn't work, he killed me himself." Scott reminds. "He also killed Tracy, and Josh, and his sister."

"But this might be our only chance to get Stiles back." Liam tells him.

"Can't we just try to find somebody that we at least trust?" Scott suggests.

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