39 | after images

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"Well, if you're deciding to do something stupid and die then go ahead

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"Well, if you're deciding to do something stupid and die then go ahead."

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INDIANA LAYS ON her boyfriends bed, her head towards the end as she watches Liam and Mason play a video game. They've been taking it in turns who gets a go to play, making sure nobody feels left out.

"I have to get back to studying." Liam says.

"Do you need help with anything?" Mason asks.

"You wanna help me study?" Liam questions.

"I'm your best friend, I can help you study." Mason replies.

"No, go home, dude." Liam says.

"Do you mind if I... What I mean is, is it cool if..." Mason awkwardly begins.

"I think what Mason is trying to ask is if he can stay the night." Indiana tells the blond.

"Is that alright?" Mason asks.

"Yeah, I can set up another bed for the night since Indi's staying too." Liam replies. "By tell me why though."

"What do you mean? Maybe I just wanna hang out with my best friends." Mason says.

"What about Corey?" Liam asks.

"He's at a library study group." Mason replies.

"We haven't had a sleepover in months." Indiana states. "What's going on?"

"Remember that body we found? The one without the face? I can't get it out of my head." Mason replies.

"Me neither." Liam says.

"No, I mean, I literally can't get it out of my head." Mason informs. "Do you know what after images are?"

"Like when you look at a light bulb and when you look away you still kind of see it?" Liam questions.

"Yeah." Mason replies. "There's this more extreme version called palinopsia. It literally means 'seeing again'. The image just stays with you and you see it again and again."

"So where are you seeing the body?" Liam asks.

"Everywhere." Mason replies.

Indiana's heart drops slightly at the boys explanation, thinking back to when she saw Allison die and couldn't get the memory out of her head; she'd be in class but her mind would be elsewhere, etc.

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