23 | lie ability

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"Oh, uh, well done?"

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"Oh, uh, well done?"

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

SCOTT FUMBLES THROUGH the unconscious guards belongings, eventually pulling out a radio that he can use to communicate with the other guards to get information on their whereabouts.

"Anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report." Scott says into it.

"You're so dumb. You didn't even bother to change how your voice sounds." Indiana comments.

"It's a war zone down here." A man replies.

"Uh... 10-4. And what about the patients? Lydia Martin?" Scott questions.

"Who is this?" The man asks.

"It's Unit Nine." Scott replies, earning a facepalm from Indiana.

"There is no Unit Nine. Who is this?" The man repeats.

Indiana grabs the walkie-talkie from Scott's hands, launching it at the wall where it breaks before falling onto the hard concrete floor and breaking even more.

"We need to figure out another way to get into the Closed Unit." Indiana states.

"How do we get through the mountain ash?" Liam asks.

"I don't know yet, but there's somebody else here that might be able to help us." Scott replies.

"Who?" Indiana questions.

"Meredith." Scott replies.

Turning and walking down the hallway once again, the three glance into every room the pass to make sure that they get the right one. Eventually, they find themselves beside Meredith's room where they slide the door open before walking inside. The banshee is located in a chair, one that is facing the tiled one that shows nothing interesting.

"Meredith? It's Scott. Scott McCall." The true alpha states.

The boy receives no response, Indiana then being the one to gently reach out and slowly spin her chair around. The girl looks lifeless, her body limp but strong enough to hold her seated upright while her face holds zero expressions.

"Meredith, can you hear me? We need your help. We're trying to find Lydia. We're trying to get her out of here." Scott informs.

"Scott, I think we better go." Liam speaks up from beside Indi.

"Meredith, listen." Scott continues, ignoring the boy. "There has to be another way to get to Lydia. We can't get past the mountain ash. How do we find her?"

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