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"No. Where are we? In the depths of hell?"

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THE TWO WEREWOLVES hurry behind the brunette girl as Hayden storms out of the club, in a rush to get away from the both of them. The blond boy had gone on a whole ramble about the supernatural world and the current situation, Indiana trying to stop him so that the girl doesn't get overwhelmed with the sudden information.

"Asking me to close my eyes was weird. Sticking a glow stick in my face, even weirder." Hayden comments. "But werewolves and dead doctors?"

"Dread Doctors." Liam corrects.

"Whatever. Get away from me." Hayden instructs, opening her car door before turning to Indiana. "I recommend you get yourself some new friends. This one seems a bit crazy."

"What if I can prove it to you?" Liam continues.

"Prove what?" Hayden snaps.

"Liam, no—" Indiana begins.

However, Liam's eyes are already glowing yellow as he growls loudly at the girl he's trying to convince. Hayden screams in response, reaching forwards and punching him in the face before stepping into her car and driving away. Indiana laughs, crouching down beside the blond's body on the floor.

"I think she broke your nose again." Indiana comments, motioning to the blood running from his nose.

"Yeah, I think so too." Liam agrees, groaning in pain.

"I tried to stop you. Multiple times." Indiana states as she helps the boy sit up on the floor.

"And I should've listened." Liam says.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

The two betas had found Hayden in the middle of the road just as she was about to get snatched by the Dread Doctors. They brought her back to the McCall household to try talk and comfort her, but Hayden only hid herself in the bathroom while Indiana went to go text her brother about their situation. So, currently, four members of the pack are currently crowded outside of the room in aim to get Hayden out.

"Indi, maybe you should try." Scott suggests as he backs away from the door. "Liam said you two are beginning to be friends."

"I've already tried." Indiana replies.

"Well, try again." Scott instructs, earning an eye roll from his sister before she walks forwards.

"Hayden? It's Indiana. I know that you're scared, but we just want to help." Indiana informs only to receive no response, making her turn to her brother. "See? It doesn't work."

YOUNG LOVE ☾ liam dunbarWhere stories live. Discover now