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"Okay, admittedly, a lot could go wrong

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"Okay, admittedly, a lot could go wrong."

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INDIANA SITS IN the back of the jeep, her two brothers up front as one of them makes sure to trail behind the many cops cars. Sirens are wailing loudly in her ears, red and blue flashing lights everywhere and only combining with the white light being emitted from the street lamps.

The radio Stiles has linked to the channel his father and the deputies are on is going off like crazy, many people talking into it with fear laced in their voices. This only makes Indi sit on the edge of her seat, leaning between the two front ones as her eyes are strained ahead of them.

"Unit Five heading northwest on Crescent reporting an incredibly large... Something." Deputy Valarie announces into the radio.

"Unit Nine to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing. Some kind of rapid animal." A deputy replies, also into the radio.

The three teenagers share the same looks, knowing that it's the Beast on the loose. This could possibly be the thing that finally exposes the supernatural world to every other human in Beacon Hills.

"Unit Five to Nine, trust me, that's no animal." Valerie tells him.

"Unit Six to Dispatch, we have a situation downtown. Multiple fatalities." Strauss informs.

"Copy, medics on the way." A man tells him. "Do you have a perp in sight, Unit Six?"

"Negative. Looks like a 10-91E, animal attack." Strauss replies.

"10-4, can you say what kind of animal." The same man asks.

"Indi, grab the radio and tell them not to engage." Stiles instructs, keeping his hands on the wheel to ensure they don't go off-course.

"Ooh, I've always wanted to do this." Indiana comments, reaching forwards, grabbing ahold of the radio. "All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage."

"Stiles, you put Indi on the radio?!" Stilinski exclaims into the radio.

"Hi, Stilinski!" Indiana happily greets.

"Get off of the radio, Indiana." Stilinski orders, making her huff. "All unit alert, wait for back up. Repeat, no one goes near this thing."

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road, southbound." Valerie tells them.

"Unit Nine, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood." A man also says.

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