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"Can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Liam

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"Can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Liam."

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YESTERDAY, the group of teenagers all discovered that someone was stealing the bodies and that the Dread Doctors are creating chimeras. The seniors, expect for Malia, all went to Eichen House to talk to the author of the book and left Indiana at home alone. They all didn't want the young girl to risk getting hurt at a place filled with dangerous people and where two members of the pack nearly got killed.

Kindly, Scott informed his younger sister of everything that happened inside; Kira's powers spiralling out of control and practically breaking the building, and the Dread Doctors entering Eichen House for Valack.

Currently, Indiana stands in her bedroom with Stiles right in front of her. She's noticing his weird behaviour; wincing every time something touches his shoulder, appearing secretive fo everyone, being unusually quiet at times. The smell of blood was also in the library, something Indi caught onto something quickly. She remembered how he and Malia were there studying in the library, placing two and two together.

"What's wrong?" Indiana asks, the boy just staring at her blankly. "Don't think I haven't caught onto how you've been acting recently. I know Scott has too but he hasn't questioned it as much as me."

"It's nothing." Stiles replies, his voice quiet.

"It's not nothing. Something's bothering you, Stiles. You might as well tell someone about it instead of bottling it up." Indiana tells him.

"You'll hate me for it, Indi." Stiles says, nervously picking at the skin around his nails.

"Stiles, I've grown up you by my side basically my whole life. I doubt I could hate you for whatever you've done." Indiana reassures. "I promise I won't tell anyone if you don't want me too."

"I, uh..." Stiles begins, avoiding her eyes. "I was at the library..."

"I smelt blood there." Indiana says, noticing how he trailed off. "Stiles, what happened?"

"Donovan happened, alright? H- He came and attacked me. I had no choice, Indi.. I pulled a pin and went straight through his body. I- I killed him." Stiles explains, stammering.

"It was self-defence." Indiana reasons, shrugging it off.

"You.. You don't hate me?" Stiles questions.

"Stiles, we've come all this way without one of us killing someone from self-defence. It was bound to happen at one point and it was just unfortunate enough to be you." Indiana tells him.

YOUNG LOVE ☾ liam dunbarWhere stories live. Discover now