19 | damnatio memoriae

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"Yeah, he was here

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"Yeah, he was here. I can smell his bitchass scent."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

INDIANA AND LIAM walk through the dark streets with the stars littering the night sky. Their hands are interlocked in one another's as they just try to clear their minds from the recent events thats occurred.

"Liam." Indiana whines as she lays on her bed with her head on his stomach.

"What?" Liam questions, looking down at her while fiddling with her fingers.

"I want to go for a walk." Indiana replies.

"Indi, it's literally night and we still haven't solved the current problem yet." Liam reminds.

"What's the worst that can happen?" Indiana asks, pausing as he just stares at her. "Actually, don't answer that."

The couple come across a police car where they spot Hayden standing beside it, Indiana opening her mouth to start a conversation when a snarl is heard. Swallowing a lump in her throat, Indi turns around to see a ginormous black creature with purple glowing eyes exiting an abandoned building.

"Okay, maybe we shouldn't have gone for a walk." Indiana tells Liam.

"Run!" Hayden shouts.

The three teenagers spin around on their heels, taking off running into the woods with the creature hot on their tail. Indiana's heart pounds as she continues weaving through the trees, her breathing growing heavier. Eventually, they somehow manage to lose beast.

"What was that?" Liam asks, turning to the McCall girl.

"I think it was the last chimera." Indiana replies.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

The brunette girl stands beside her brother in his room, pinning things to a cork board he cleared out to have an investigation board like Stiles'. She stands back slightly to look at all the photos and clues, watching Scott begin to connect red string to them.

"What the hell is this?" Indiana asks, pointing over to the sketch of a Dread Doctor. "Did you do that?"

"Yeah. I'm not gonna make them stop to take a picture, am I?" Scott fires back.

"It's kinda shit. Looks like a third grader drew it." Indiana comments.

The brown haired boy shoots his sister a glare, reaching out and slapping her on the arm. However, as he does this, a string that they didn't realise was attached to him is tugged and only causes all the effort they put into the board to come tumbling down in an instant. Scott groans in annoyance, Indiana only looking down at the pile of photos on the floor.

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