✧ Chapter 20 ✧

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The next day, Hobi drove you home. If Taehyung asked anything, you just called your driver to pick you up. Never would he suspect you had spent all your time with his employer, on dates, on his house and especially on his bed.

"Yesterday was really special for me" Hoseok said, without taking his eyes off the road.

"For me too Hobi"

"I just wanna know when can we do it again"

"I, it's not easy for me, and you know that."

"Right, I'm never anyone's priority" He grumbled, a frown adorning his features.

"C'mon, you know that's not true!"

"But it's what it seems like" He said, upset, but never raising his voice. Even in moments like this, he knew he shouldn't just lash out on anyone.

"I'm married Hoseok!! I can't just do as I please! I'm fucking married!!"
Instead, it was you who raised your voice. He let go of your hand, that he had been holding up until that point. You had crossed a line, and profundly regretted it.

"Hobi, baby I didn't mean to!"

"Whatever, let's just get you home"

The rest of the ride was uncomfortably silent. Your stomach churned when looking at Hobi's pained expression. When you got to your house, he still opened the car door for you, but never looked you in the eye, or attempted to talk to you.

To make things worse, Taehyung was pissed, and waiting for you by the stairs.

"Y/N, where the hell have you been!?"

"At a friend's place, not that you care"

"I'm your husband, you should always tell me these things"

"Is this a joke!? Are you seriously asking me this, when you were the one disappearing with someone else at the party!?"

"Y/N, I-"

"How the fuck do you think that made me feel!? You know what, I'm going for some fresh air, don't come look for me"

And with that you left, after having a fight with both your lover, and your husband all in one day.


You knocked on the door, and prayed to God someone was at home. You came all this way because you had a lot to say. You absolutely needed this.

You needed to tell your best friend what was going on.

"Y/N? Did something happen with the cafe?"

"No, I just really need someone to talk to"

"Come on in"


"Ok, so let me see if I heard this right..." She sighed "So you had sex with one of the hot drivers, and ended up falling in love"


"And then, after thinking that Taehyung was changing, and that there was a change you could patch things up, he abandoned you at a party to go with another woman"


"And you were left heartbroken, and Mr. Jung Hotseok consoled you, and you had the best sex of your life"

"Don't call him that!!" You said, madly blushing.

"Ok, I won't anymore!" She bit her lip, to stop laughing, until she finally calmed down. "And you two fought this morning, because after months of going at it, he wants more, and you're too scared to leave the scumbag."

"Tell me what to do!"

"Oh sweetie, you already have your mind made up, you don't need me. I think you should finally drop Taetae for someone who actually treats you right"

"Thank you!! I love you so much you dumbass!!" You said hugging her tightly.


"I don't know..."

"Just say what you think"

"Ok, so, not gonna lie you're in a messy situation" he pinched his nose bridge, thinking about their conversation. " She was being cheated on, by her HUSBAND, and then somehow you two got in an affair together"

"I mean, what you two are doing is wrong, very wrong. But it shouldn't matter, cause he's been doing it for even longer" "Are you sure you're not being use, just for the sake of some revenge plan Seok?"

"100% Hyung, the way she looks at me says it all"

"Then I say go for it! But just go slowly. And preferably let her get a divorce first, but don't pressure her to it. I know he's a prick, but despite what he's done, they have a past, and it can be hard to say goodbye to it!"

"I knew that I could count on you Yoongi!!" Hoseok embraced Yoongi in a bone breaking hug, content with the advice he got.

"Ok, ok, enough! Now let me get some sleep." Yoongi said, slightly shy about the younger one's behavior.

Hoseok left the house in a rush to get to you. As he drove he was thinking of what he was going to say when he finally saw you again. Multiple scenarios, and ideas of how to make the moment special, crossed his mind.

He was deep in thought when his phone rang. He jumped on his seat when he saw you were calling him.
Hurriedly, he picked up the phone, and put it on speaker.


"Hi princess."

"Umm, I know I was rude this morning, but can we meet up to talk?"

"Of course we ca – "

His voice was interrupted by the sound of tires screeching, and two cars hitting.

Hoseok was so engrossed in the phone call, he never saw the truck that was moving in his direction, on his lane.

The last image Hoseok saw in his head before falling unconscious was you. He replayed all the wonderful moments you two spent, smiling with the little strength he still had left.

But while he was calmly falling unconscious, you were shaking violently on the other side of the phone. You didn't want think of the worst case scenario, but just couldn't help to think, what if the last moment you two shared, was the stupid fight you had in his car?

You didn't want to loose him. Not when you were ready and willing to drop everything for him.


Hi!! I finally updated, even though nobody reads! 😅

Anyway, if you're from a hypothetical future where people actually read this, please vote and comment a lot!!

As always, hope you enjoyed!!💕🤧

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