✧ Chapter 42 ✧

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You woke up late, but today you had the weekend to yourselves. After the dinner last night, you still had a lot of fun after getting home... So it's normal that you are both tired.

Hoseok is still asleep, and you take this chance to really look at your man. His swollen cheeks against the pillow, his fluffy hair pointing in all directions, his pretty eyelashes and probably your favorite, his lips with the cute mole you love to kiss.

You see him everyday, yet, you can never get tired of seeing his beautiful face.

He starts to stir awake and reached out to you, to pull you closer to him. "Let's just sleep a little longer" he says as he presses a kiss to your temple.

You hug him back, despite not being sleepy anymore, it was nice to just rest in his embrace. I mean...you though you weren't sleepy, but the truth is, you actually did fell asleep once again. Now, you woke up with Hoseok peppering you with kids everywhere, telling you to wake up and look at the time.

"I don't wanna get up" snuggling closer to him, you sighed in content.

"C'mon it's 2pm, how much longer do you plan on sleeping?

"Wait what!?" You bolted out of bed, and ran straight to the bathroom to take a shower. How on earth did time fly this fast? How did a couple of minutes of rest turn into several more hours of sleep?

You were trying to set the water temperature right, when you felt the door to the bathroom open.

"Could've at least invited me"

You could only laugh at Hoseok's pout, and how sad he looked that you got out of bed without saying anything to him.

"Sorry baby, good morning" you leaned in for a kiss, but he turned his face away, with a playful grin.

"Not with that morning breath"

You laughed and decided this was a good time to brush your teeth. Hoseok was getting rid of his clothes to take a shower, while you still had your clothes on. You felt his hand sneak around your waist, to tug at the hem of your shirt. You just lifted your arms and let him undress you.

For every piece of clothing he discarded, he would kiss your shoulder blades or your neck. You stepped into the shower, and were about to wash yourself when he stopped you and mumbled "no, let me do it".

You let him wash you, awfully affectionate, something in the air tonight made him extra clingy. However despite him touching you, literally everywhere and kissing you all along, things never evolved into something else.

He was purely appreciating you, making sure you felt loved, without any second intentions.

After showering and getting dressed, you went out for lunch. Nothing fancy this time, just a quick meal. You were walking around town, exploring the neighborhood a little bit better when you spotted an ice cream store.

"Can we? Pleaseee!" You asked clinging to him like a child.

"Okay, fine. Anything for my baby"

You didn't even need to tell him anything else, he knew just what to order.

"Here, choco mint for the both of us!"

You continued walking, talking and eating your ice cream. Without even realizing, it was now 5pm.

"Oh, quick, let's go! There's still this place I wanna show you!!" And he dragged you to the car without another explanation.

You entered the car in a rush, but you were curious to why was he in such a hurry. Before he drove off tho, he insisted that you were a blindfold. He said that the place he wanted to show you should remain a surprise, and he didn't want you to pick up on any clues about it.

"So, where are we going?"

"To a special place"

"Was the blindfold really necessary?" You huffed. "Wait, is this another one your kinks?"

He chuckled and calmly answered "No, I swear this is a good surprise."

The rest of the drive was just you complaining, and him dismissing the crazy theories you'd come up with.

"Is this just your plan to steal my organs and sell them on the dark web?"

"Okay, out of all the things you've said today, that's gotta be the stupidest!" And he bursted out laughing.

Suddenly you felt the car come to a stop. "We're here".

"Great! Can I take off the blindfold now?"

"No, not yet."

He guided you outside the car, you felt dirt move below your shoes. So you were probably somewhere with plants. Also, you could hear a creek in the distance. This must be a beautiful place.

"You can take the blindfold now."

Words were caught on your throat. The view was breathtaking, not only that, but the moment Hoseok chose to bring you here was perfect. In front of you, there was a colorful field of tulips, your favorite flower. In the distance there were a couple of trees, and a beautiful sunset. The sky was painted in all colors, there was purple, orange, yellow and pink, even the clouds had a purple color to them.

 The sky was painted in all colors, there was purple, orange, yellow and pink, even the clouds had a purple color to them

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You were so distracted by the breathtaking scenery that you didn't notice Hoseok until he cleared his throat.

"Well, I thought about getting you some flowers but firstly, I'd be killing them and it's kinda morbid to give you something dead to celebrate our love, and secondly this is wayyy more special."

You were still taking everything in, touching the flowers, making sure everything is real, and not just your mind playing tricks on you.

"So..." You turned your attention to Hoseok who wan now on his left knee with a little box on his hand. As he opened, you saw a thin and elegant ring sitting inside. "Y/N, after so much we went through, after loving you for so long. Will you marry me?"

Tears were running down your face, ruining the make up you put so much effort into. But you didn't care. You said yes, hugged Hoseok and cried your eyeballs out.

Despite being suspicions about the true reason behind this trip, never in a million years did you imagine this.

The perfect man, and the perfect proposal. Both better than anyone and anything you could've ever imagined.

To say you were happy was an understatement. This was a dream come true. A new chapter of your life, right beside the one you love the most.


Double update !? Yeah, I did it!

Hope you liked it, and see you when I update next! 😁

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