✧ Chapter 43 ✧

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"So..." You turned your attention to Hoseok who wan now on his left knee with a little box on his hand. As he opened, you saw a thin and elegant ring sitting inside. "Y/N, after so much we went through, after loving you for so long. Will you marry me?"

Tears were running down your face, ruining the make up you put so much effort into. But you didn't care. You said yes, hugged Hoseok and cried your eyeballs out.

It all felt so surreal as you held Hoseok tightly.

"I was so nervous" He mumbled, barely above a whisper.


"Thought you might say no, or something else could go wrong."

"I could never say no to you!"

After a moment of looking into each other's eyes, Hoseok broke the silence.

"It's getting colder, I think we should head back home."

During the day drive Hoseok kept looking at your ring finger. It still felt unreal that he proposed and you said yes.

After getting into the house, you cooked dinner together. It was a sweet moment of affection between two lovers. Once it was ready, you started eating and chatting.

You were enjoying your meal, but felt Hoseok constantly looking at you.


"Nothing, just thinking that now your last name will be Jung." He said with a smug smile.

"I am honored to be Mrs. Jung." You two held a starting contest. Neither daring to look away.

And just like that, Hoseok got up from his chair, throwing you over his shoulder as if you weighted nothing.

You couldn't help but giggle as he took you to your bedroom, throwing you on the bed. He hovered over you, not saying anything, just letting his eyes do the talking.

"I love you, Y/N"

"I love  you too"

Then, out of nowhere he started giggling. His head fell to the crook of your neck while he tried to calm himself down.


"Nothing, I just can't believe you'll be my wife!"

You propped yourself on your elbows to look at his face, and you raised an eyebrow at him while smirking.

"Are you sure you can handle me?"

"Pretty sure." He nodded his head cutely, like a small kid.

"And my chaotic family?"

"I did help you reconcile with them, didn't I?" He crossed his arms flashed a smug smile.

"Fair enough. What about my mood swings?"

"I haven't noticed any of that."

"Are you sure you can keep up with my appetite?"

"Sexual or like actual hunger?"

"Both." You deadpanned.

"Well, I am a great cook as you already know. And I happen to have something that I know that never fails to satisfy you."

He was right. About everything, he got along well with your family, improved your mood, cooked really well and knew how to use his gifts.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down with you. Your lips never leaving each other.

His long cold fingers brushed against the hem of your shirt, slowly pushing it upwards. His hands were underneath the clothing item, sending  sparkles through your skin where he touched.

You lightly pushed his shoulders, trying to get him to lay on his back. He was hesitant at first, but eventually let you do it. You climbed on top of his waist, stealing him while he took your shirt off.

Your hands tangled in his hair as he but your collarbone. He was leaving bruises everywhere.

His hands skilfully unclipped your bra, and in the blink of an eye, he was sucking your sensitive skin. His teeth grazing and nibbling the soft skin of your nipples.

Without really doing anything else, he had you wet in an instant.

You ground your hips against his, feeling his member hard underneath you. At this point you were both naked, you on top of him, just kissing and touching each other.

"Let me make love to you"

You nodded your head, not really being able to say anything. Part of you was still in disbelief over the fact that Hoseok proposed.

You had a feeling the trip had to do with something special, just weren't sure what.

Right now, as his length slowly entered you, everything seemed more intense. Your love for him seemed to only grow each day, and you could tell he felt the same way. The fact that you were going to marry the man you love made this moment much memorable.

"I wanna" He let out a groan. "I wanna us to get married, and I-" He was trying to calm his breathing down enough so he could speak."I want us to have a kid"

His eyes were on yours, a serious look but somewhat soft. Building a family with Hoseok was also on your plans.

"I want that too" You let out a loud moan and continued. "I want a mini Hoseok running around the house"

Both of you let out a small laugh. As you felt your climax getting closer, Hoseok stopped talking and just picked up the pace.

After coming down from your high, you just laid cuddled in bed. Your head on Hoseok's chest, arms around him while his leg was sitting on top of yours. He was touching your arm softly while you ran your hands through his hair. This was a habit that the both of you had grown fond of, ever since you started dating.

"You know... This last two years where I've met you have been so refreshing"

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that I was stuck in a monotonous sad life, and you motivated me to get out of it. And like, I've known you for 2 years... 2 years yet everyday feels like a new and exciting experience with you"

"Well, what can I say? I am an interesting person that inspires people" he said laughing.

"In all seriousness though, I also feel excited about you everyday. I feel like the luckiest man on earth. I'm happy that I completely changed your life, you deserve everything good really. I'd hate to see you stuck in the life you had. I hate to see people suffer, and especially if the person is you."

When he looked to his side though, you were fast asleep. He smiled and kissed your left hand where the ring finger was.

"Sleep tight, my angel"


Took a little longer, but it's here.
How you liked. I'm not 100% satisfied with it but I didn't want just smut, nor fluff. So I tried doing a little bit of both.🤧

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