✧ Chapter 11 ✧

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Yesterday was fun, but your thoughts still lingered on the voice you heard on the background of the phone call with Taehyung. You were high, but still conscious and able to process what had just happened.

But somehow you wanted to believe he wouldn't do it. That he still loves you, and that the voice had nothing to do with what you were thinking.

Your mind was a mess, and you needed to take your head of things for a while. So you gave the day off to the chef and cooked as a therapy. You truly loved cooking, and you needed this right now.

You were making Gnocchi Bolognese with spinach and some lamb skewers on the side. You also made ramen, just because.

You were busy stirring the pans when you heard somebody ring the doorbell. You took your apron and went to answer the door.

Words were caught on your throat with what you saw before you. Hoseok was at your door, in casual clothes. Except he didn't look casual, he looked stunning and sexy. He had a pair of golden shorts, with some timberlands and a denim jacket, you were pretty sure he was wearing nothing underneath it.

 He had a pair of golden shorts, with some timberlands and a denim jacket, you were pretty sure he was wearing nothing underneath it

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"Oh, Hoseok! What brings you here?"

"Uhm, I borrowed my jacket to Jimin and he forgot about it here." He said shyly smiling.

"Oh he was here yesterday and spent most time by the couch, you could look for it in the living room"

Hoseok went to the living room to look for it.

"Oh I've found it!"

"You did? That's great!"

"Yeah, I should get going now"

"Wait!" You said, having different plans in mind.

"I'm making lunch, and there's a lot of food, would you like to eat lunch with me?"

He seemed a little hesitant at first, but then thought about it, and accepted the invitation. "Well, who am I to deny a meal, right?"

"You're gonna love it!!"

"It sure smells good!" He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, when reaching the kitchen.

"I'm making Gnocchi Bolognese with spinach, some lamb skewers and also made ramen"

"Can I help?" He asked, his eyes glimmering with excitement.


"Do you like cooking?" You asked since you were now both preparing the food.

"I love it! When I have time I like to make homemade noodles and try other cultures culinary. Last week I tried doing Gaspacho"

"Oh! Didn't know you had such passion"

"Yeah, when I was little, my mom worked a lot and never had time to cook, so I learnt how to cook, so she could have a fresh meal everyday when she'd come home tired from work"

"That's so sweet! If only all men were like you"

"Save it! Taehyung must be a great guy, right?"

Your smile fall a little at that "He is... Just doesn't show it often I guess"

"Really!? Look, if you need somebody to talk to, you can come to me" Hoseok said while looking you deeply in the eyes.

"Thank you, you're really nice"

The food was finally ready and you started digging in. You ate and talked a lot, however you noticed when Hoseok ate, two cute dimples appeared on Hoseok's cheeks as he ate. He also seemed to enjoy the food a lot, and ate with excitement. You found that watching Hoseok eat was really satisfying.

"Ah Y/N, that was great, but I'm not sure I can move now, I ate a lot!"

"Mee too, why don't we go to the living room and watch something on the tv?"

"Seems good to me!"

You both got up and walked in to the living room. You sat down on the couch, Hoseok was right behind you, when you heard him gasp.

"You guys have a grand piano??" He said, softly running his fingers through the keys.

"Yeah, I thought you saw it earlier"

"No, I was so focused on finding my jacket that I didn't notice! Can I play?"

"Sure!! I'd love to hear you play"

He sat down, took a deep breath and started playing Chopin- Nocturne op.9 No.2. It was a cliché piece to play on the piano, but still was so beautiful. The way he passionately played, engrossed you in his little performance. You sat on the piano bench beside him, watching him effortlessly play with his eyes closed.

When the piece came to an end you clapped, he opened his eyes and smiled at you.

"That was beautiful!"

"Thank you! It's not everyday I get to play in such a beautiful instrument." He shyly smiled at your compliment.

"You play really well, I wish I knew how to play like that"

"You don't play the piano?" His eyes widened.

"Nope, that's Tae's thing. I only know how to play the guitar. I used to play in a Nirvana cover band back in highschool"

"That's amazing! I can teach you to play the piano if you want!"

"Really? I always asked Taehyung, but he always said he was too busy"

"Well, then Taehyung is the one missing out"

He tried teaching you the a simplified version of I need you, but you just stopped moving to watch him take control and play the song by himself.

"I've never heard that one, it's beautiful, what is it called?"

"It's a song I wrote a few weeks back called "I need you'. Wanna try it again? "

"Of course"

You tried to follow his fingers, but couldn't focus. Your mind was burning everytime your hands touched.
Suddenly, he stopped, holding your hand and looking at you. You looked a him, and saw his eyes going back and forth between your eyes and your lips.

You slowly leaned in, and he did the same, closing the gap between you, and finally doing what he had been waiting to do for months. After dreaming about this moment for a long time, he was finally kissing you.


Felt like doing a cliffhanger, might delete later 🙊

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