✧ Chapter 23 ✧

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"Ok, so, if we're not having a baby, then what's the good news?"

"I filled the divorce papers today!!"

"You did!?"

Hoseok was speachless. Just a couple of days ago, you expressed how scared you were of getting a divorce, and now had the papers in your hand.

"Yeah, I finally did it!!" You exclaimed, waving the papers in the air.

"We're gonna get through this together baby!" He swept you off the floor, and spun you around, kissing you all over the face.

"I love you so much Y/N!"

"I love you too Hobi!"

"I mean, it's not like I'm right besides you guys to anything, don't mind me!" Jimin said, looking around the hospital room, and avoiding to look at you two.

"Sorry dude!"

"Whatever man. Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I'm ready" He said, wrapping an arm around your waist as you exited the hospital room.

"Ok, so where do we go first?" Jimin asked, as the three of you entered the car.

"I want to give the papers to Taehyung for him to sign, and maybe after go to a hotel room or something"

"That's ridiculous! Why go to a hotel room when you could just stay with me?" Hoseok asked, frowning and looking expectantly at you for answers.

"Because I don't want to be a bother. I need to find somewhere to stay while the divorce is happening, and while I don't find my own place. By the end of it you would already feel tired of having me living with you."

Hoseok just sighed. Now he saw he might have rushed too much, and pressured you into something you weren't ready for yet.

"I would never get tired of you. But I understand if you feel like this is too soon. I'm basically asking you to move in with me. You can just spend the night when you want then."

"Thank you for understanding! I love you so much!" You kissed the tip of his nose, while thinking about the changes you were about to make in your life.

You guys finally settled in an order to do things. First Jimin would drop you off, then he would drive Hoseok home, and finally, he would pick up Taehyung from work.

Only then would he give you a ride to Hoseok's house. You agreed to stay there tonight, because you'd need some support, and he offered to help.

Your nerves grew bigger as you now waited for your soon-to be ex-husband to cross the door.

"Hey, I'm home"

"Taehyung, we need to talk"

"Well, can I take a shower first, I kinda had a long day, and then this guy just - "

"I'm not asking, I'm telling you" you interrupted him, in a burst of confidence.

You heard him mutter a little "oh ok" before he sat down on the couch besides you.

"So what is it?"

You took the papers out of your purse, and handed it to him. "I want a divorce."

"What!?! Why?? I mean, shit- why this, why now!?"

"Just admit we're both miserable and sign it, so we can both move on."

"I'm not. I'm not signing it" He crossed his arms, and eyed you, his face blank of any emotion.

Taehyung was feeling his head spin. The thought of losing you scared him. You had some good memories, why leave it behind? Why now?

Suddenly, Jungkook's words crossed his mind.

"Just remember she won't wait forever. One day you'll need her love, and she'll be with a guy that knows her value and shows love and support. When you least expect, you'll be the one to be replaced."

"Wait, you have someone else, don't you?" He stood up and pointed his finger at you accusingly.

"Please, don't make this harder, just sign- "

"Oh my God! So you do!!" He interrupted you, laughing like a maniac.

"WHAT!? I never said that!!" You also stood up, surprised by his words.

"Then why now, huh!?"


You finally lost it. You yelled at him, and didn't give him any chance to speak. Now was your time to set free everything you've bottled up over the years.

"Y/N, I swear I -"

"Save it. My mind is set. I'm going to pack some stuff, and hope by the time I come down you've signed the papers."

Your voice was now calmer, you just wanted to get this over with peacefully.

You went upstairs and gathered most of your belongings. Couldn't bring everything today, but would do it eventually.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was in the living room, debating whether or not he should sign the papers.

He did want to be able to assume his relationship, and his son with Nayeon. He loved them both. But he loved you too. Only he now wasn't sure if it was romantically or not.

You've spend years together. Even if not romantically, he still cherished you, and cared for you. He just felt like it wasn't easy to just throw away years of marriage down the drain like that, despite your current situation.

He briefly read the document. Everything was pretty standard, but he knew you'd still have to go to court over your assets. It's ok, he knew he could count on Namjoon for the support, and also the professional services he'd provide him.

Namjoon wouldn't refuse to stand up for him.

Meanwhile, you came down the stairs with your suitcase packed. When you reached the door, Taehyung was waiting for you.

Surprisingly, he was holding the papers, signed.

You felt a wave of relief wash over you, things would still work itself out just fine.

"I'm sorry for what I've done to you. I never deserved you in the first place." He didn't dare to look at you. He knew he'd break down in sobs.

"It's ok Taehyung, I can't hate you, despite what you've been doing." You flashed him a small, reassuring smile.

"I-, you will make someone really happy one day Y/N, I'm sure of it. But it just isn't me, I'm sorry"

"It's ok" You finally exited the house, ready to start a new chapter. Got inside the car, and just let Jimin take you to Hoseok's place.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was left behind, crying once he saw you were gone.


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