✧ Chapter 33 ✧

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You were both home when you heard someone ring the doorbell.

"Can you go get the door, please baby?"

It was a Saturday morning and Hoseok was busy cooking lunch, so you went to answer the door.

" Oh..."

On the other side, not expecting to see you was Hoseok's mother.

"Good morning" You bowed, even if you weren't really fond of her, you were still respectful.

"Is my son there?" She completely ignored your gesture and passed through you to get to her son.


"Can we talk?"

"I don't know, are you going to listen or will it be like last time?"

"This time I'll listen"

Just as they were speaking, you entered the kitchen to grab something you had forgotten. Hoseok's mom took one look at you and spoke.

"But I don't want her here while we talk."

"I'm sorry, but my girlfriend is staying."

"Fine then..." She sighed. "I wanted to apologise for being rude the other day."


"And for insulting Y/N, I am truly sorry. I said some things I didn't mean to."

"I just... When I visited you at the hospital I had a feeling you two were hiding something, I could just feel it. But then I noticed your wedding ring, Y/N. I thought you were a good person, I still think that, but you're dragging my son through your problems."

"It was never my intention to cause any harm to your son Mrs. Jung."

"I know, but a mom always wants what's best for her son, and to know you were already taken, but still messed around with him, it hurt me. I could only think of you hurting my son. I'm sorry, I now know you really love him."

"I get it... You were just worried"

"But she called you a whore! Come on mom, nothing justifies what you said."

You were speechless. To imagine such words coming from someone like her, really hurt. Hobi said she would accept her, but she was just like your mom.

Suddenly, a tear ran down your cheeks, and you bit your lip to stop you from crying. But it was useless, you felt your throat tighten so you ran to your bedroom so no one would see you cry.

Hoseok turned to his mother, his ears fuming with rage.

"You seriously messed up"

"I just said I'm sorry!"

"Well, as you can see, that means nothing. Did you know her ex-husband used to cheat on her? Did you know he had a secret family?"

"I didn't..." She looked down, nervously playing with her wedding band.

"That's why she divorced, because she was tired of being treated like garbage. She wanted someone who would reciprocate her love... And the funny thing is, even after knowing all this, her mom called her a whore when she found out she was getting divorced, and never spoke to her again."

"I'm sorry, I didn't knew about this..."

"Yeah, you didn't... Yet you were so quick to judge. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check on my love"


"Hey, are you alright?"

"Been better."

Hoseok sat down next to you on the bed, and rub your back soothingly.

"My mom didn't mean it..."

"It still hurts..." You sniffed.

"I know... But she will accept you, just know that."

"Why Hobi? Why am I a whore, for wanting someone who loves me?"

You sobbed louder. Hoseok just grabbed your face, and wiped your tears with his thumbs.

"You're not a whore, you're my little princess, and I'd do anything for you!"

"Thanks baby... I think I'm ready to go downstairs again now."


"Y/N, I'm very sorry for everything that I said, and the pain that I caused."

She hugged you, and you were left speechless. When you tried to speak she just shushed you, and told you she had no idea what you'd been through.

"I promise to not hurt your son Mrs. Jung."

"Please, just call me mom."

Tears welled up in your eyes, you were emotional. This little gesture meant a lot to you. She finally accepted you as one of her own.

"Thanks mom"

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and Mrs. Jung, when you looked up to see Hoseok hugging both of you while crying.

You finally had someone you could call family.

Hoseok's mom ended up staying for lunch with you, and you had a great time together. It's almost as if nothing happened, but still you couldn't forget her hostility towards you.

Halfway through lunch you excused yourself and went to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Hobi's mom used the moment to speak to her son alone.

"So, is this serious?"


"This relationship, you and Y/N?"

"It is, I'm sure she's the one."

"She seems like a good woman. I'm sorry if I was unfair, I just don't want you to get hurt like in all your previous relationships."

At this point you were back, but didn't make your appearance yet, you waited to hear what she had to say.

"Mom, it's not going to happen again. I assure you Y/N is much different from anyone else I've dated, for the best."

"I know sweetie, but I just couldn't bear to see you get hurt again. They said they loved you, but then only used you to get closer to Jimin or Yoongi. I want someone who loves you for you, not for your friends. When I realized she was cheating on her husband to be with you, it took me back to your past girlfriends who cheated on you."

"She isn't like that mom, this time I'm 100% sure!"

Now you realized there was a reason behind her overprotective behavior towards Hobi.

When she left, Hoseok spun you around, peppering your face with light kisses.

"I'm so happy that my mom apologised! I'm sorry if she hurt you, I swear she is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet."

"I'm glad she's ok with me now. I wouldn't want to be the person that stands in between you and your mom."

"You wouldn't, I always knew her racional side would make her apologise."

"So now I guess both of your parents approve us"

"I guess so!!"


Not many chapters left, I guess I'll be ending this soon! 🤧
Thanks to whoever still reads this ✌️

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