✧ Chapter 31 ✧

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After months of sleeping on a hotel bed, you had enough of staying at the hotel, so figured it was time to find an apartment or a house.

Everyday you'd search on the internet for something. Today you'd actually go seeing some options with your realtor and Hobi.

You didn't really have a budget, but didn't want anything extremely luxurious, a simple apartment or a small house would do. Your only requirement is that the place needed to be close to the cafe and your boyfriend's house, and have a nice view.

"And here is the bathroom." The realtor said.

You weren't really paying attention to what he said, only looking around, examining every detail.

Hoseok however was paying attention to what he was saying. Asking questions about the place, everything to make sure you had the best. But the whole time he had a frown on his face, instead of his cute smile.

"So what do you think?"

"I mean, the place itself isn't bad, but it's way too far from everything I need."

"Well, that was the 6th and last offer I had for you."

You were frustrated. So much time wasted seeing offers, and none of them was good enough. It was always too far or had some issues to it.

You didn't know what to do.

You still had the house you lived in, when you were married. But that place held many bad memories, so you couldn't go back.

But then again, it also had some good memories. Specially with a certain someone.

After a tiring day just wasting time visiting houses, you went to Hoseok's house with him. You both needed to relax.

As soon as you got home, Hobi went to the bathroom to prepare a bubble bath for the both of you. He filled the tub and threw a bath bomb inside. You were sprawled out on the couch when he called you upstairs.

You both stripped off of your clothes, and he sunk in the water, with you sitting right after, resting between his legs, with your had against his hard chest.

He pressed a few chaste kisses to your neck, while running his hands up and down your arms softly.

"What's on your mind, princess?"

"I'm thinking about the houses." You said with a sigh, as you melted into his touch.

"You know..." He lightly kissed your shoulder blade. "I've been thinking... Why don't you move in with me?"

"Don't you think it's a little rushed?"

"Not at all, if you think about it, technically we've been together for over a year now."

It was true, time flew by and you didn't even notice it. If you counted the time you were together, even while you were married, it was well over a year.

"Well, wouldn't you get sick of me if I were here all the time?"

"You already spend all the time here, and I love it."

"Then I would love to move in with you!"

You turned your head around so you could kiss him. After a while he interrupted you. He nervously bit his lip and looked down before looking in your eyes and speaking.

"There's only one condition though."

"What is it?"

"I want to introduce you to my parents first."

"But what if they hate me?"

"Well firstly, they won't. Secondly, even if they did, I would still love you"

You were finally convinced. You were moving in, and meeting your boyfriend's family.


You nervously picked at your nails, while Hoseok knocked on the door.

You would be lying if you said you weren't scared. You had met his mom before, when he was in the hospital. If she did the math, she would realize you were cheating on your husband with her son. What if she thought of you as a whore?

Your mom thought that.

Finally someone opened the door and pulled you out of your thoughts.



Both men hugged each other, clearly happy about this reunion.

"How have you been son?"

"Great, what about you guys?"

"Good. Now who is this young lady?" He pulled away from the hug to take a look at you.

"Dad, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N." Hobi said, making you blush.

"Nice to meet you sir, I've heard many good things about you." You bowed politely.

"And she is polite! Nice to meet you too sweetie."

You walked inside to the living room and saw a couple. The woman looked older than you, and her face was very similar to your boyfriend's. They looked like each other's reflection, now that you looked carefully.

"Noona, meet my lovely girlfriend, Y/N!"

"Hi!! It's so nice to meet you!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

She introduced you to her boyfriend and said you really need patience to out up with Hobi. You laughed, but he didn't think it was that funny

You started talking, and bonded quite easily. She was just as fun as Hoseok, and now you realized, beauty really runs in the family's blood.

There was only someone you hadn't met. Actually, you had met, just not formally as Hoseok's girlfriend.

You were about to properly introduce yourself to Hoseok's mother.


Slightly shorter than usual, sorry! :3

This week has been crazy, so sorry for not updating earlier.

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