Chapter 4

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"Good morning girl," a heavily pregnant Jasmine walks into my office.

Her well manicured hands sit upon her pregnant stomach, which is extra evident in her tight grey dress. Even though her hair is in a messy bun she's shining with that pregnancy glow.

"How you feeling?" I push the chair out from under my desk with my foot and gesture for her to sit down.

"Ugh, this baby needs to come out of me ASAP," she claps her hands to emphasise each word. I just laugh, and she shoots me a dirty look.

"Well I can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew." I gush. I was nowhere near having my own baby, so for now Jasmine's will have to do.

"Congratulations on your award Mel." She grabs my hands and squeezes them excitedly. I smile.

Ever since the divorce I was more reserved and private with my emotions, Jasmine and Jodie were pretty much the only ones I was truly myself around.

"I thought I heard you." Jodie walks into my office as well. She gives Jasmine a hug and sits down as well. "So what are we talking about?" She chirps.

I roll my eyes jokingly, I really loved these girls.

"Just about how Jasmine can't wait for the baby to pop out." I catch her up.

"Oh yes!" She squeals "Aunt Jodie can't wait to see you." She says loudly to Jasmine's stomach.

"Anyway girls," Jasmine starts "I actually have a doctors appointment, I just popped in to say hi," she groans as she gets up and then leaves after giving us both a hug.

"Here, the stats you wanted on the shipment in Ohio," Jodie hands me a document, I thank her and then she leaves my office.

As soon as I was stable enough to hire people, I hired Jodie straight away. She was the only thing I missed about Kings Corp and I needed an assistant I could trust.

I go through the file, pleasantly surprised that every hospital received their equipment.

Profit was important, but not as important to me as customer satisfaction, especially in the medical industry where people's lives were on the line.

From the Eva Enterprises headquarters, you could see the a Kings Corp building. The dark metals gave it an eerie and intimidating look compared to all the other buildings on the street.

Thankfully, it wasn't the building that Xavier worked from otherwise I would never be here.

My office phone begins ringing, I let it ring a few times before picking it up.

"Hello this is Amelia Davis, how can I help you?" I answered.

"Lia.." I hear his husky voice. My breath hitches for a second and I immediately slam the phone back into the holder, ending the call.

Why is Xavier calling me?

What does he want?

It's been 4 years.

I shrug it off and block whatever number he called from. I don't need to nor want to hear from him ever again. I am doing perfectly without him in my life and nothing should mess that up.

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