Chapter 28

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"You're thinking about her aren't you?" Leroy throws a pen at my head.

"Thinking about who?" I ask even though I already know who he's talking about.

"That chick with the curly hair, that you kissed in your office." He smirks.

"I'm not thinking about her." I clarify.

"I'm in the same boat as you man." He scratches his neck awkwardly "can't stop thinking about mine either."

"Let's try and focus on the work then." I change the topic.

We were going through the plan to boost profits, since now I knew why the sales were dropping.  I had to make sure that as soon as Kings Corp is back into my hands,  completely, it was back to being the best.

After a few minutes I see Leroy chewing the end of his pen nervously.

"What's the matter Leroy?" I ask.

"Nothing," he brushes off "carry on."

"There's no point me saying anything if you're not going to comprehend it, do you want to tell me what's happened or can you actually listen?" I demand.

"I've been with Jodie for a month now, and I don't know what to do?" He says "is it like an anniversary?"

I try hard to control my laughter. "You guys aren't in middle school anymore, there's no one month celebrations."

"Are you sure?" He double checks.

"I mean just mention it, but you guys don't need to get presents or anything." I advise.

I decide to end the meeting there since Leroy was too preoccupied with his own life to focus.

As I'm signing out of my computer my phone begins to ring, making my glass desk shake slightly with its vibrations.

A smile erupts on my face when I read the name on my phone.

"Good evening Miss Davis," I greet and she replies "how can I help you?"

"Do you want to meet me?" She says lowly.

"I must say.." I tease "I'm quite offended at the way you use me."

"Actually..I was wondering if you want to meet for dinner?" She breathes out.

Is she nervous?

My smile turns into a smirk when I realise I'm the one making her nervous.

I don't want to push it further so I just say yes, I knew if I made fun of her for asking she would probably just not meet me at all.

"7 o'clock, at the Italian place by my office?"

"I'll see you there," I say and hang up the call.

It felt nice to know that she wanted to genuinely see me, not just for sex - that she wanted to spend time with me and enjoy my company.

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