Chapter 26

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Her eyes roll in annoyance at whoever knocked the door. She huffs irritably, buttoning up her top and takes long strokes to the office door.

"Didn't I say I don't want to be distur—" her words stop and she gasps softly when she sees who's at the door.

"Amelia I am so sorry I tried really hard-" her assistant runs to the door and begins apologising.

She holds her hand up, stopping her from talking. "It's fine Jodie, I'll deal with it."

She nods, peering over Amelia's shoulder she sees me. She waves sheepishly to me in which I just respond my nodding.

"What are you doing here?" Amelia asks to whoever is at the door. I can't see, the door has blocked my view.

I can see her though, her face has all of a sudden become hard and uninviting. You wouldn't be able to tell that she was just kissing me a moment ago.

"Can't I come visit my daughter?" They ask, voice soft.

Why is Amelia's father here?

She furrows her eyebrows at him.

His shoulder brushes against hers as he walks into the office. His eyes widen a little when he realised I'm here as well.

"Oh perfect, my son-in-law is here too." He says.


I'm about to correct him"What do you want?" Amelia cuts off whatever he was about to say.

"I just want to talk to you." He looks at her with sadness in his eyes.

"Liar. You need something?" Her voice is so cold, it's like she's a different person now.

"Well.." he begins "I-I'm in a bit of a predicament and I need money to get out of it." He says shamelessly.

I involuntarily roll my eyes, I knew what it was like to have family come to me just for money.

"I fucking knew it.." she mumbles under her breath, she seems almost disappointed that he didn't want to just talk to her.

"I know it's a little.." he begins.

"I'm not giving you anything." She says fiercely.

"Come on..." he almost whines like a child "my daughter is a billionaire and so is her husband, you can spare fourteen thousand dollars for your dad."

"Xavier and I got divorced." She says.

"What?!" He looks genuinely surprised, he turns to me and I nod my head to confirm.

"Yeah, you actually have to be in your daughter's life to know that." She says sarcastically.

"When was this?" He asks.

"That's none of your concern, besides money is not the reason - I could write you a check of fourteen billion if I wanted to." She says proudly.

"I know things aren't the best between us." He says.

"Not the best?" She's angry "you left me after mom died, and then the next time I saw you was when my best friend had to hunt you down for my wedding." She yells.

That's why he seemed so familiar, he was at the wedding.

She carries on "you could've made things right at the wedding, but you didn't so I have no reason to help you."

"Amelia!" He raises his voice, but she seems unfazed "I am your father, I need you to respect me."

She glares at him before walking to her desk, she pulls open a drawer and takes out what looks like her check book.

Taking a pen she scribbles something down and walks back to her dad.

"Here" she throws the paper into his hands "that's one hundred thousand dollars, I'm paying you to get the hell out of my life. I had to tolerate you at my wedding but I'm never doing it again."

I thought his he would be a little upset at least but his eyes are glittering with excitement as he eyes the check.

"If I ever see you again, you'll have to pay me every penny back."

He nods, not taking his eyes off the check and leaves her office.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, I know she's holding back tears.

"I'm sorry you had to see that?" She laughs nervously.

"It's fine, I know what that's like." I empathise.

She walks up to me, swinging her arm around my neck "where were we?"

She places soft kisses on my neck, and as much as I want to give in I know that I shouldn't. She just basically told her dad to leave her life.

"Amelia." I take a step back "We shouldn't be doing this right now."

"And why not?"

"Are you sure you aren't doing this to feel better after what just happened?" I raise an eyebrow.

She's about to respond but slumps her shoulders "you're right." She sighs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask cautiously, we weren't exactly friends but I wanted to help if I can.

"He's my dad." Her voice cracks "I thought he'd at least apologise. I mean I haven't seen him in 4 years."

"Family can be shit," I laugh humourlessly, I had the most experience in crazy family members.

There was an awkward silence after I said that but then she does something I never expected.

She hugs me.

Her arms around my neck, head rested on my shoulder and body pressed against mine.

I wrap my arms around her, breathing in her sweet scent.

This is what I wanted.


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