Chapter 13

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"And how exactly are you going to gain ownership of Kings Corp." He asks, wickedly interested in my plans.

"That's confidential, but start practicing how you're going to get that partnership of off me Mr. Chopra." I say, I didn't like first names.

"How about a permanent partnership? You'll basically be the 2nd owner of pyramid." he says.

"Keep talking," I raise my eyebrows, interested.

"You won't partner with me just for this project, but for every single thing Pyramid does."

"And what do you want, in return?"

"Share Kings Corp with me, when you take it of course - 50-50." he says.

"Mm," I furrow my eyebrows "65-35." I negotiate, expecting him to deal back.

"Deal." he says unexpectedly.

"You must really want to work with me," I joke.

"You never fail to surprise me Amelia," he smirks.

"Please, I prefer Miss Davis." I say "goodbye Mr Chopra, we'll meet again once I've taken Kings Corp from Xavier King." I say and point to the door.

He has an amused look on his face "You are a bad lady Miss Davis." He says as he's leaving.

"That's what everyone thinks of a woman in power." I finish his comment before the door shuts.

A few hours pass, and I find myself with nothing to do, everything is sorted out or being sorted out by someone else.

"You have a meeting with Xavier King in an hour." Jodie walks into my office, her tone was professional - she knew how to separate being my friend and being my assistant.

"No I don't, I literally spoke to him this morning." I say, I do not want to see him again.

"Well, he scheduled another meeting and you had nothing else going on.." she shrugs and leaves, I groan irritably and prepare and print the needed documents for my meeting with Xavier.

An hour passes quickly and I find myself opening my office doors for Xavier, who walks in a serious expression on his face as usual.

His hand brushes against mine as he walks in, cold as usual, making the hairs rise up on my hand but obviously he feels nothing.

"Miss Davis, we need to talk," he says as I walk back to my seat.

"It's nice to see you too, Mr. King, how can I help you?" I reply sarcastically.

"It's been 2 weeks and there is no improvements in my profit," he says, angrily slamming the profit graphs onto the table.

"Calm down." I say slightly taken aback at his quick mood swings.

"It took you a week to double profits last time, its been 2 and I haven't seen any improvements," he says a little calmer.

"It takes time Mr King, I'm spending my own resources to rebuild your company from its foundations, things like that take time." I reply.

"You're getting 25% of Kings Corp as a repayment for your investments." he says condescendingly.

"I'm not talking about money, that can be remade." i say,and his face is quizzical.

"I'm spending my time on your company, and I don't want to waste time on you again." I can tell he's affected by what I said and that my words burned but I couldn't care at this point.

How dare he yell at me when all I've done is try to help him.

"I apolo-" he begins.

"Mr King," I cut him off "I don't know what you think I'm doing here but if you don't trust what I'm doing then you can leave." I say.

"I trust you..." he says slowly, it feels like a sting "..but trust goes both ways Miss Davis. How am I meant to trust your work when I'm sure you don't trust me?"

"Because I'm saving your company for you, but for me you're nothing - and I dont need to trust nothing. " I explain.

His eyes linger on me for a moment, painful yet unbothered. I could decipher him so easily, but I feared that he could do the same.

"2 weeks, Miss Davis." he says, leaning forward his face inches away from mine, his minty breathe almost made my eyes water, "I'm giving you 2 more weeks then I'm out."

He owned the moment, but i couldn't have that.

I look him dead into the eyes, "Dont forget," I say quielty "I'm the boss this time King."

He says nothing and walks out of my office.

I take a glance at the graphs he didnt take with him. Steady decline - exactly what i wanted.

Slowly but surely I was going to take everything from him.  

It was only a matter of time before Kings Corp would go into loss, debts and the usual things of a dying business. Then when it's at its weakest, I'm going to buy it out easily and watch Xavier's slowly collapse.

My heart is beating so hard, it was a new exciting feeling - his whole life was in my hand and I was going to destroy it.

Just like he did to me.


i hope you're all enjoying this book, updates may less often now as I've started online school and that doesn't take up a lot of time.

of course i will try to update regularly (3/4 a week) but please understand if it takes time.

Lots of love

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