Chapter 22

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The heavy rainfall made the usually quick drive to Jasmine's house take about 30 minutes because of the increased traffic. I was driving to hers after my meeting with Xavier.

I finally arrive, opening my umbrella and rushing to Jasmine's house from across the street where I parked.

I knock on the oak door, and Jasmine, who is in a deep purple top and black jeans, opens the door and greets me with a hug.

Unopened takeout containers and bottles of water and soda were spread on the coffee table, and an impatient Jodie sat in front of it.

"Sorry I was late - stuck in a meeting with Xavier King." I say as I walk to the kitchen to wash my hands.

"Yeah you were.." Jasmine smirks as I sit down on the couch next to her. I shoot her a glare.

She shrugs unapologetically "The sexual tension between you guys is undeniable, I would give it another go." She suggests.

"It's more complicated than that.." I say airily. Her comment takes my mind back to last night, where I wanted Xavier and not the other way around.

"He still loves you Mel." She says seriously, placing a hand over mine, and Jodie nods in agreement.

"I don't care, I don't love him." I say.

Of course Xavier doesn't still love me, he never did. He made me fall in love with him, manipulated my emotions and used me to fulfil his plans.

He's incapable of love, but he sure knows how to fake it.

If he did still love me, everything would've been so much easier. Even now, he's clawing his way into my life, just to satisfy his ego.

"Can we eat now?" Jodie whines like a little child, which makes me laugh. I realise I missed the whole conversation between Jasmine and her, lost in my own thoughts.

"Not until you tell me what happened with you and Leroy last night?" I tease.

A blood red blush explodes onto her cheeks as she sips on her drink in order to avoid speaking.

"Yeah go on." Jasmine nudges her.

"Fine." She begins "Well we both had a lot to drink, and since both of you had disappeared." She points and accusatory finger at me and Jasmine.

"Sorry." We both mumble sheepishly in unison.

"Anyways," she continues "It was late, and we got into the same Uber and let's just say thank god I had a condom in my purse."

My jaw drops whereas Jasmine has the biggest smirk on her face "Was he big?" She asks.

"Stop!" Jodie playfully slaps her on the shoulder.

"That means no." She says and we both erupt in laughter whilst Jodie huffs.

We spend most of the night binge watching trashy reality tv and teasing Jodie whenever we could.

"All this talk about me," Jodie begins "but I saw you leave with someone as well Amelia."

As much as I tried to avoid the subject, they both kept on urging me to tell them what happened so I finally gave in and told them everything from the stranger in the club, my argument and make out with Xavier and even the drama the next morning.

"I don't care I don't love him." Jasmine repeats what I said earlier, mocking me, I just roll my eyes.

"I think you should bang him." Jodie says "get it out of your system."

"He's not in my system." I retort.

"Not yet." Jasmine laughs.

Our conversation is disturbed when there's a faint knock on the door. Jasmine gets up to open the door and it's Dylan, with the baby in a stroller fast asleep.

"Daddy's home!" her face lights up at the sight of her baby.

"Daddy?" I say amused, she winks in return.

"Ok gals, party's over." She basically kicks us out of her place.

"Wow, some host." Jodie mutters sarcastically.

"Want to come to my place, we can play pool in the games room?" I suggest.

"Beats going back to my apartment." She shrugs.

We both get into my car and I drive back to my house. When we arrive I get the table set up for a game of pool whilst Jodie makes some drinks in the bar area.

"Here." She passes me an orange liquid in a tall glass.

"Did you put any alcohol in this?" I sputter as what she gave me was pretty much juice.

"Nope. We don't need alcohol after last night." She says, all of a sudden so health conscious.

After a few rounds of pool, I've won pretty much every game and Jodie pouts in defeat. She is extremely competitive for someone so terrible at the game.

As I'm about to set up another game, Jodie's phone rings. She slightly blushes when she reads the caller ID and answers.

"Hello." Her voice is all of a sudden low and sweet. I can faintly hear Leroy's voice on the line.

After about a minute of conversation, Jodie's eyes scan the room, finding her purse.

"I gotta go." She says hurriedly, giving me a quick hug.

"Late date?" I ask.

"Something like that." She says as she walks out the room.

The games room was in the basement of the house, meaning that I couldn't see if Leroy was picking up Jodie or if she was getting a cab, but I didn't want to go with her and make it awkward.

I decide to follow Jodie upstairs, a few feet away from her, just to make sure she's safe. I see her getting into a car with Leroy and smile in relief.

Deciding I want to play a few rounds by myself, I set up the game anyway. As I'm about to play, my phone buzzed against my pocket.

"Hello." I answer without looking at who it was.

"Amelia where the fuck are you!" Xavier's angry voice booms through the phone.

"I'm on the moon." I reply sarcastically "it's midnight I'm at my house." I deadpan.

"I'm coming there." It wasn't a question.

"What- I think the fuck not! You can't just walk into my house whenever you fucking like Xavier!" I yell to match his anger.

His voice was low and sinister "Try me." He says before hanging up.


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