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Xavier and I were doomed from the beginning, I know that now. 

In the end it didn't matter what tore us apart.

It didn't matter that it was me, or that it was Eric or anyone or anything. 

That's the thing about Xavier and I - we were never meant to be strong enough to survive together. 

This isn't the kind of love you get over or move on from.

This is the kind of loves that destroys you completely

I had him all to myself, all I had to say was the word.


That's all it would take to be in his arms, to have his lips on mine.

But I can't. I can't lose myself in him, become completely addicted to him, give myself up for him.

Because eventually, when that initial fire burns out, I will be lost in the darkness.

I can't go back to him, no matter how beautiful he makes it seem, no matter how much I know I'll be full of happiness.

Because even the devil has angel eyes.

He used the sweetest words to take my heart, and then the strongest poison to kill it.

And oh was I fool for thinking he cared.

In a way, I'm glad he didn't fight more. I know that if he did, I would've given in to him, so easily.

He's an addiction, and a relapse is inevitable.

His love is so deep that the ocean would be jealous but that only means I would drown deeper and deeper.

It hurts so much to leave him, to not have him by my side,  to not wake up to him everyday and to eventually see him with someone else.

But it's even more painful to keep you by my side.

Sitting on opposite sides of a train track, touching him would only be a step away, but it wasn't worth getting hit.

He taught me that pain comes from love, and I will never let anyone that close to me ever again.

The tragedy isn't that he's gone, but it's that I will have to drag the pain with me every damn day.

I can't be with him.

Not because I don't want to.

But because I can't survive my soul being torn apart again.

Because that's how I love Xavier King, but to love Xavier King would mean to absolutely and completely demolish myself.

Finding him would be losing myself.

Even after the pain, tears and heartbreak, I would sign that contract again because that moment of love was worth the lifetime of scars.

And maybe, just maybe, one day, my heart will stop mentioning him.

Our story could've been so perfect, the savage billionaire falls for his assistant and years later they reunite.

The epic love story.

But fate had her own plans.

it was
just the


end of book 2


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