Chapter 17

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"I can't believe you invited Amelia here," I say to Mr Russo as I walk into his office.

"Don't act like your not happy about it," he smirks, "I heard you two in the kitchen, quite the flirt you are."

"I was just being polite, sir nothing more." I defend myself, but even I found it hard to believe.

"Xavier, I believe that she's your soulmate - and you're like a son to me and I'll make it happen."

His eyes trail the room and land everywhere except meeting mine - he's lying.

"Just make it easier for both of us and tell me the truth," I say, rubbing my neck irritably.

He laughs sheepishly, "That is the truth." but none of us believe it. I give him a knowing look, demanding him to tell me the truth but he stays silent.

"Fine, but I'll figure it out myself," I warn him before walking out of the office. I pass by Sofia, who's going into the office, and she smiles at me lovingly before opening the doors.

Call it a gut instinct, but I decided to stay and listen from the other side of the door. Mostly all I could hear was quiet chatter and mumbling.

"I am not going to break up with him!" Sofia's voice says, significantly louder.

"Darling," he tries to console her "He's not the Xavier King he used to be, you can do so much better than him."

So that's what Russo is trying to make me get back with Amelia for.

I can sense that their conversation is ending so I jog back to mine and Sofia's room, managing to make it inside right before she opens the door.

"Hey baby," her soft voice greets me, her eyes are full of pity.

"What's up?" I say but she says nothing and pulls me into a hug, placing small kisses around my ear and on my neck.

Slowly her lips make their way to mine, planting soft kisses on mine. I pull her closer to me as the kiss intensifies, her hands wrap around my neck as I pull her closer by the hips and cup her cheek. 

I hear her soft moans against my lips before she puts her lips back onto my neck, and I'm about to place her on the bed when I hear the door open.

My eyes lock with hers, her eyes widen at what's happening. She's frozen and I take it to my advantage.

I plant long slow kisses down Sofia's neck, making her moan in pleasure, she responds by jumping up and wrapping her legs around my torso, so my hand rests on her bum. I smirk in victory.

I see Amelia's eyebrows furrow. Her hand wraps around the doorknob and she twists it again and again loudly, catching Sofia's attention, who climbs off me and faces the door as well.

She smiles innocently "I'm sorry I didn't know you were here," her eyes sparkle with trouble "I just came to return Xavier's jacket, thank you for letting me borrow it when I was dripping wet." she says, emphasising the last words.

She hangs the jacket onto the doorknob and waves cheekily before closing the door and leaving.

"You gave her your jacket?" Sofia's head tilts to the side as she puts everything together.

"It's not what it looks like, baby I-" I try to explain.

"Really?" she cuts me off "because to me it looks like Amelia was 'dripping wet," she says in quote marks "and you put your jacket around her!" she says, getting defensive.

"It's not like that," I say as I sit on the edge of the bed and pull her between my legs "I was being nice, you need to trust me."

My words seem to calm her down a bit, she exhales and gives me a quick kiss before leaving the room.

Damn Amelia, just had to mess it up.

I leave the room shortly after Sofia, wandering around the giant Russo mansion. The house was the definition of luxury - servants at every hallway, golden embellishments and velvet carpets.

One of the white and gold double doors was slightly open, I peek inside to see Amelia engrossed in her work on the laptop.

"That was quite the scene you created over there, Miss Davis." I say, leaning against her door.

"I'm very busy right now, don't disturb me Mr King." she says not looking up from her screen.

"Oh really? You're busy?" I scoff "I was quite busy as well." I say walking up to her.

I'm received by silence.

"You know...jealousy is a very sexy look on you." I say bravely, she stops typing and gets up to face me.

"Sexy - definitely but not because of jealousy." her eyes trail me up and down.

"Oh really?" my eyebrow cocks up. Her eyes dart to something behind me before looking back into mine.

"Yes Mr King," she whispers over my shoulder, her arm brushes down my thigh. I take her hand, trying to push it off me but instead, she places it onto her waist, cleverly pulling us even closer.

"I gave you the jacket because you were shivering." I justify myself, but my mind is foggy.

"I saw the way you were looking at me," her voice is lower, "King."

She buries her nose into the crook of my neck, "Amelia," I try to stop her but she's in control now.

"You have no idea what you do to me." Her voice is clouded with seduction. 

Just like that - my conscience is out the window.

I lower my neck so our lips barely touch but she licks my bottom lip, intensifying the kiss before it even began. Her tongue is fighting against mine, biting and licking my lip. Her hands go into my hair as she moans against me. My thumb brushes over her breasts and she collapses onto me.

"Now turn around," she says lustfully, her hands wrap around my shoulder as she turns my body around.

And there stands Sofia in the door.

She's blinded by fury as she runs away, the sound of her footsteps echoes away. I'm about to run after her when I turn and look back at Amelia.

"You knew she was coming." I figured out her plan.

She's wiping her mouth with a tissue like she's cleaning the kiss off her lips. "Don't hate the player." she winks.

And drops it into the bin.

we love the toxicity.

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