Chapter 18

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Ruining Xavier King was an intoxicating power I was slowly getting addicted to.

Replacing one addiction with another.

I laugh at the times I was absolutely and utterly, head over heels in love with him. I would've taken a bullet for his smile and it still haunts me to this day how disgustingly consumed I was with that man.

I was blinded with infatuation to the point where I couldn't see the reality of my life. I denied the short-tempered, ruthless monster he was just because he showed me love.

Or what I thought love was.

Truthfully I was just high on Xavier, his words and actions.

And when the drug wore off, I saw the devil he was.

"Good afternoon Miss Davis." Mr Luca greeted me.

I stand up to shake his hand, I was meeting him to discuss expanding my business into Italy and then Europe.

"Let's get right into it?" I ask and he nods "Eva Enterprises can supply all the medical equipment for all of the hospitals owned by Luca Industries." I say, earning a satisfactory smile from him.

"What's your price?" He says.

"We discusses this already, 20 billion and then 15% of all your profits." I say.

"That's a big price." He says.

"You know you won't get the same quality anywhere else."

"That's true, but you could lower the price, since you made me stop working with King Corporate." He says, trying to change my price.

"I paid you to end your contract with Xavier King, so don't try to bring that in here." I say back.

He holds his hands up in surrender.

I pull out the contract from my bag, most of the terms were already discussed and I just needed to meet him to sign the contract and finalise everything.

"Pleasure doing business with you." I shake his hand once more before leaving his office.

A breath of relief escapes me as I walk back to the Russo mansion, which wasn't too far from Luca's office.

The guard at the gates lets me in and I walk straight to my room, not wanting to see Sofia, Mr Russo or Xavier.

I begin packing my bag, deciding to leave as early as possible tomorrow morning, I missed my office and my friends.

As I'm folding the romper I wore yesterday I hear muffled shouting from outside my door.

"You fucking had a make out session with her in front of my face!" Sofia yells.

I walk closer to the door pressing my ear against it to hear clearer.

"I didn't know you were standing there." Xavier replies pathetically.

"That makes everything better doesn't it?" She replies sarcastically.

"She kissed me." He's struggling for a way out of this.

"I don't care." Sofia announces "Amelia has no loyalty to me, you are my boyfriend, or you were."  I can hear the bitterness in her voice.

I hear only one pair of footsteps echo away so I open my door, finding an abandoned Xavier standing there.

I don't open it fully, just poke my head out the door.

"You." Xavier points an accusatory finger at me.

"Yes?" I answer.

"This is all your fault." He seethes.

"What are you talking about?" I smirk.

"I didn't peg you as the person who would ruin someone else's relationship out of jealousy." He says.


He thinks I'm jealous?

I don't say anything, it's better he thinks I'm jealous.

He takes my silence as a signal to keep on talking. "I've read the articles, Amelia King single for the 4th year since divorce." He quotes, the stupid smile on his face.

My eyes narrow at him.

"Don't be jealous that I could move on faster Amelia, I'm irreplaceable and you just weren't."

"Oh really?" I say entertaining his ego, fully opening the door so I'm right in front of him.

"Trust me," he says "It won't be hard to find the next Mrs King - the standard is very low." the words effortlessly leave his mouth.

He's testing me. I can see the smug smirk he's hiding.

"Don't worry about me Mr King, I am very..."  I say in a lower tone, running my finger across his jawline "...satisfied."

His jaw tightens at my touch. He's like ice melting at my touch, and we both know it.

"Miss Davis..."

"Then answer this Mr King..." I say, my voice barely above a whisper as I place my hand on his crotch over his trousers "why are you rock hard at my touch." 

"Amelia.." he begins.

"Not so replaceable now am I?" I smirk.

He says nothing and pushes my hands off of him, "Stay away from me Miss Davis." He warns.

"You're the one who invited me back into your life." I retort before walking back into my room and slam the door shut.

Sitting on my bed, I go over the words he said.

"I'm irreplaceable and you just weren't."

"It won't be hard to find the next Mrs King."

I don't know why I was surprised. He was a manipulator with his words - first to make me fall and now to hurt me.

His words were painful, undoubtedly, but they just reassured me that I was doing the right thing.

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