Chapter 21

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"Room service." The sound of the housekeeper knocking wakes me up.

"Come in." I manage to croak and sit up as the housekeeper walks in with a cup of coffee for me. I thank her and take the cup from her tray.

"Excuse me." I say, stopping her before she leaves my room "who sent this?" I ask.

"Xavier King, room 124." She says and leaves.

Why would he send me coffee...?

The memories from last night hit me like a truck and I'm glad the bed has a backboard to support me.

The guy, the argument, the yelling...the kissing.

"Fuck me or get out."

I can't believe I said that.

I groan out loud as my hands go over my face in embarrassment at what I did last night.

All I remember is arguing with Xavier and then kissing him on the couch...

He wouldn't.

He couldn't have had sex with me when I was drunk out of my mind. He was heartless but he certainly had the bare minimum of morals...hopefully.

Seconds later I find myself banging the door of room 124, making sure Xavier hears me. 

"Yes." Xavier answers the door. He seems calm and unbothered by my commotion.

"How could you have sex with me?" I ask, I'm not shouting because I don't want to cause a scene, drawing more attention to myself.

"Excuse me." He seems offended that I would even ask.

"The kissing last night, the coffee this morning- please explain why else you would do that?" I question.

"The kiss last night - you grabbed me and I admit I entertained it too much but I surely didn't start it." he begins "and the coffee is because we have a meeting today, but I'm sure you would be too hungover to even remember."

His patronising tone makes me even angrier than the fact that he could've slept with me.

"I didn't sleep with you, you passed out on me and I put you in the bed." He explains "to be honest I'm a little hurt that you would think I need to be with a drunk girl to get laid."

"I have no expectations from you." I seethe.

He says nothing but looks me up and down, humour filling his eyes. My dress is ruffled up, the straps of my heels are trailing behind me and my hair is a rat's nest.

"Nice jewellery." He comments before shutting the door in my face.

My hand goes to my neck, double checking what necklace I have on. I roll my eyes when I realise I picked up the wrong chain to wear last night.

I hadn't seen the one Xavier had given me in years, thinking it had been thrown out somewhere when I moved out of the safe house.

I didn't have an explanation, even to myself, for why I kept the it.

Perhaps I kept it as a memory, the only piece of his love I had left.

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