Chapter 31

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Something I hadn't felt in a few years.

The increasingly stressful workload of managing a failing company was taking over my life but now, even if it's just for a week, I had nothing to do but enjoy my life.

"Boss man!" Leroy dances into my office, why is he always so cheery.

"What do you want Leroy?"

He knew that he doesn't need to be in the office, in fact technically he's unemployed since I don't own Kings Corp.

"Chill out." He raises his hands in surrender "Miss Davis would like to see you " His eyebrows wiggle suggestively.

"I was about to leave, tell her to meet me at my house, in half an hour."

"Alright sir." He says calmly but holding back a smile, before leaving my office.

I take the long drive home, enjoying the New York City scenery for the first time in ages.

After parking in my garage I walk up to the door, to see Amelia patiently waiting there, engrossed in her phone.

"Took your time." She smirks at me when she finally looks up.

"First day as an unemployed man Amelia, let me enjoy it." I joke.

"Don't get used to it." She says as she follows me inside.

"So why has the Amelia Davis decided to visit poor Xavier King."

We both sat at the desk of my office, which shared a wall with my bedroom and was only a door away.

"I got the deal with Chopra." She says victoriously.

"Already?" I ask.

"I don't waste time." She winks.

She gets up off her chair and walks around to me. "Look at this." She pulls a document out of her handbag and places it on the desk.

I skim read the contract. "He only took 10%?" I ask in disbelief.

"He didn't really have a choice." She purrs. I don't know if she was being intentionally so teasing or if it was just her natural persona but I was finding it hard to resist.

"I must say Miss Davis, you did better than I expected."

Her hand sits on my shoulder and she bends down so her lips meet my ears. "Don't I always."

I turn my head and press my lips against hers. She's a bit taken aback but gladly returns my kiss. I can feel her lip gloss wiping all over me but I couldn't care less at this moment.

I stand up, just to make her struggle a little. She pouts as she has to go on her tiptoes just to kiss me. I smirk against her lips at her inability to kiss me - she wasn't wearing heels like she usually does

I place both my hands around her thighs before lifting her up, her legs instinctively wrap around my torso and I can feel her against my crotch.

My lips suck hard against her neck as she throws her head back in pleasure. I already see the hickeys forming and I know she'll hate me for that.

But in the moment I didn't care.

I walk towards the door to my bedroom. My lips against hers our tongues fighting each other's.

I stop hesitantly - will she want to go in my room, I haven't been with her in a bed.

She clears my doubts as her hand wraps around the door knob and opens it, moving us into the bedroom.

I lay her down on the bed, kissing her from her lips to her cheeks down her neck and collarbone.

Conveniently, she was wearing a dress with a zipper down the front. I looked up at her and she nodded, lust blocking any other sense in her. I zipped open the dress revealing her perfect body.

I couldn't help but stare for a moment, she was gorgeous.

Her breast were held in a navy blue bra and she had matching lace panties.

"You're beautiful." I breathe out. She blushes slightly before pulling the tie of my suit and pulling me down to her.

Whilst I'm kissing her, she fumbles with my buttons but manages to button my shirt which I slide off along with my blazer.

Her fingers travel down my abs, almost as if she's admiring them, and I can't help but smile.

My lips travel down her body, stopping right above her underwear, which earned me a breathless sigh.

She pulls herself out of the sleeves of her dress before pulling her underwear off, inviting me.

I place soft kisses around her thighs, releasing soft moans from her.

My lips settle on her clitoris, kissing and licking it slightly, her quiet moans only motivate me more.

I can feel her getting wetter and wetter as I carry on, her hand tangled in my hair as she whimpers with delight.

She pulls me up, and I slowly insert myself into her, releasing a loud moan from her. She kisses me to taste herself.

She's saying my name as she's about to climax and it's like music to my ears. We both cum together. I'm breathless and so is she.

I'm laying next to her, her head is rested on my shoulder.

"Amelia I was thinking," I say nervously "I really like being with you - a lot. Do you think we could ever-"

"Sshh." She cuts my off placing a finger on my lips. "Don't talk about that Xavier."


"Last time I was with you, I was married to you before I even knew you can we take it slow this time?" Her fingers are wandering cluelessly against my chest. "I can't ruin it this time."

Ruin it?

If anyone ruined anything it was Eric.

"Okay." I breathe out "we'll take it at your pace."

"Thank you." She says quietly.

I think I'm falling for her again, but she cannot know that.

I don't want it slow but I can't lose her, not again.

sorry for the slow updates, im really trying guys

i love you all and thank you for putting up with the delay

let me know your opinions - comment and vote!


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