Chapter 39

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I take a few moments to just to look at him, to adore him. He smiles and nods at me, I don't know what he meant it but I couldn't help but smile back and sit back down in the back.

Xavier's mum, Annie, is giving a long and incredibly emotional eulogy for Eric, but I don't even hear it. Xavier and I are in, what seems like, a never ending staring competition.

I had seen him so many times but today I couldn't stop staring at him, drinking up every single one of his beautiful features. They way he looks at me, made me feel alive even at a funeral.

Annie's speech is cut when the church doors creak open again.

It's Xavier's dad.

Why is he so late, at his own son's funeral?

Even as he's walking into the church, he's saying goodbye to someone on the phone. Everyone is staring at him but it doesn't seem to phase him.

He stands next to Xavier, up on the stage where Eric's coffin is, placing a supportive hand on his shoulder. I felt like something wasn't right but Xavier seemed fine and he knew better what was happening.

Annie doesn't say anything but her face looks disappointed as she continues. After she's finished, Xavier's dad takes the mic.

"Eric was a good son.." he sighs "and I wish I told him that when he was alive because that boy would run to the ends of the world to make his parents happy."

He turns to Annie and they share a knowing smile.

"He left us too early, but I'm sure he's in a much better place and at peace now."

After he finishes everyone applauds.

Soon after it's time to bury the body - only Xavier, his parents and a few other close family members attend. I decided not to as it was a deeply intimate moment and I didn't want to feel like I'm intruding.

I stay behind, mostly making small talk with the more distant family members who also didn't attend the burial.

"Nice you finally see you Amelia," a woman who I learn is Xavier's aunt greets me "I didn't attend the wedding and you two got divorced so soon I never got a chance to meet you."

"Love burns out." I reply morbidly.

She looks at me awkwardly, not knowing what to say afterwards but luckily she doesn't have to when I feel a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Can I steal her?" Xavier's smooth voice asks, and the aunt nods eagerly, probably happy she doesn't have to talk to me anymore.

Before I can say anything, Xavier takes his hand into mine and pulls me out of the church through a side exit.

I'm against the wall of the building and Xavier is standing inches away from me, his eyes gazing into mine. I've always felt so exposed when he did that because I knew how easily he could decipher me.

"You look nice.." he says lowly.

"Really?" I scoff, I knew how much of a mess I looked this morning and I'm sure nothing had changed.

"You always do." His words make me blush. "I've missed you." He breathes out.

"You saw me yesterday," I chuckle, referring to when he came to see the video.

"That's not the way I want to see you." he closes the gap between us, putting his face in the crook of my neck.

His lips haven't even touched me and I can hear my breathing already getting heavier. He smiles against my neck, knowing his effect on me, before placing small pretty kisses.

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