Chapter 38

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He didn't do it.

He saved me, in fact, and I spent, wasted, 4 years of my life trying to ruin him.

But instead he ruined me, again.

Because that's what he does.

He waited till my love became unconditional before he destroyed me, like a hurricane over a village.

And now, he waited until he knew it would break me before revealing the truth and making everything I worked for completely useless.

That's what Xavier King does - he completely ruins me without giving it a second thought.

Stupidly, I fell in love with him when he was out to break me.

And four years later, I made that mistake again.

However this time I won't make the mistake of opening my heart to him, only to have him stomp it to pieces.

Eric's funeral service is in an hour, so I start getting ready. I changed from yesterday's dress, which I had fallen asleep in after Xavier left my house, into a black turtleneck, black pants and black ankle boots.

I look at myself in the mirror, the aftermath of crying all night had left my eyes tired and bloodshot. My hair is frizzy and ruffled and my skin is dull.

I apply a little bit of water and curl cream in attempt to tame my wild curls. I wanted to look put together for the funeral.

I put on a pair of larger black sunglasses to cover my dead eyes. It felt a bit awkward but hopefully, since everyone there will be wearing black as well, it won't be too noticeable.

I put the location into the GPS on my phone and begin driving.

Almost fittingly, it was a dreary day, the grey clouds were spitting rain out ferociously, my wipers were frantically clearing the windscreen.

I get to the church in about 20 minutes, take my umbrella from the glove compartment and get out of my car.

The heavy raindrops pound against my umbrella, as I walk into the building, trying to avoid the puddles of murky water.

When I get inside I find that the majority of the benches are filled with people and that I'm actually one of the last people there.

I take a seat in the last row of benches, next to someone that I don't know, who is crying.

She's turns to me, giving me a small smile which I return. She takes her gloved hand into mine "How did you know Eric?" She asks.

"I didn't really." I say "he helped me out 4 years ago, and I wanted to pay my respects."

"He was my son's friend," she continues, staring into nothing "always helped him out, who would have ever thought he did what he did."

"He was full of surprises." I sigh.

Even after his death me managed to change my life completely.

I peer from under my sunglasses to see Xavier and his mother at the front of the room, next to the casket. It was a closed casket funeral since Eric's face had the horrible distraught from his death, which I'm sure the King family didn't want anyone to see.

Xavier clears his throat as he's about to speak. He takes the mic out of the stand, which was connected to the multiple speakers everywhere to ensure that everyone hears him.

"Good afternoon everyone," his voice is tired.

Everyone in the crowd has faces of pity towards him, and why wouldn't they? Not only did his brother die, but he has to arrange the entire funeral without the financial help of his company, which I had the paperwork ready for to return it to him.

I zone out for some of his speech, not because I'm uninterested, but because I can't help but admire at Xavier. He stood tall, his face perfectly handsome even in his grief, and the strong authority of his voice.

I couldn't help myself but indulge in him. I'm grateful that I decided to put some sunglasses on, hiding my eyes which were watching him.

His mother is behind him, wiping her tears, in awe of Xavier who is presenting everything so well.

"Eric was a character," Xavier manages a small chuckle which encourages the crowd to crack a smile "Ever since he was young, he was the troublemaker between us. Always pulling pranks and getting on everyone's nerves -but that's what we loved about him."

A small murmur of approval rings around the church.

"But Eric was not okay." Xavier states "and as much as we love and will miss him we can't deny or forget what he did." He  refers to Vanessa's death. My breathing hitches for a second, I can't believe he so outwardly is talking about this.

"Eric spent the last 4 years of his life in the New York Mental Rehabilitation Centre, and he died there - a prisoner of his own mind. He didn't deserve what happened to him or what he went through."

Small gasps of shock escape the crowd. After Eric was put into the mental hospital, it was almost as if he disappeared, no one expect the FBI and King family, which included me back then, knew what had happened or what he had done. 

"I would like to thank everyone who could make it here, on such short notice, to cherish the wonderful life of Eric."

I couldn't help my frustration when I was hearing all the wonderful things Xavier was saying about Eric, when we both knew how he ruined our relationship and my life.

Why was I even here?

It wasn't for Eric.

It was to see Xavier, perhaps for the last time.

But the way he was speaking about Eric was killing me, this was a remorseless man who hurt everyone he knew. I get up, quietly and start walking out of the church - people could see me but no one would dare stop me whilst Xavier was talking.

"But in particular I would like to thank my ex-wife Amelia." He says as I'm about to step out of the church.

I freeze in my spot.

"Many of you know her, not only as my ex-wife but as the most successful business person in this country." He announces me. I don't turn around, I can't face him. "During our marriage, Eric ruined her life."

What was he going to say?

My face begins to get hot as I realise that everyone's eyes were on me.

"We can't pretend my brother was a good person." Xavier continued "I lost my wife because of him and Amelia lost her mother..." his voice cracks when he says my name. 

I push my glasses to the top of my head to wipe away the hot tears that begin to run down my face of embarrassment, he did not just tell everyone what Eric did.

"And I am so proud of her, for being here and facing Eric and his family after everything that happened."

I turn around to see his face holding a sad smile, as he puts the mic back into its stand and back away for his mother to speak.

last few chapters guys
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