Chapter 12

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As soon as I see Xavier's car drive off I head back to my office. Jodie stayed at the hospital for longer so I didn't have anyone to talk to.

"Miss Davis." an employee walks into my office with a phone call for me. I smile a thanks and take the phone from her hands.

"Hello, Miss Davis, it's Sandy - the equipment administrator."

"What's up Sandy?" She was a close colleague who I often met with to discuss the standards of the hospital equipment.

"I need an unexpected inspection of some equipment in New York but I'm in Ohio - could you do it for me?" She asks.

"Of course, what hospital?"

"New York Mental Rehabilitation Centre. Thanks a lot. " She says and hangs up before I could say anything.

I sigh. I really do not want to go to that place but I don't trust anyone except myself or Sandy make sure hospital equipment is to the Eva Enterprises standard.

I give the phone back to the employee and leave the office with her.

I decide to get an Uber back to my house, so that I could drive to the hospital in less CEO-type clothes, I didn't want anyone recognising me there.

When I get home, I change into some nude joggers and a matching nude hoodie.

Snacking on some grapes on the way to the hospital, I remember the last time I came here.

I was enlightened on the fact that I was married to a murderer by his psychotic brother who was also a murderer.

I take a deep breath step onto the cold tiles. All the heads in the front turn and look at me - from the patients to are being escorted to their rooms to the staff.

"Miss Davis, pleasure to meet you." A tall woman shakes me hand and gestures for me to follow her. We end up walking for a minute or two before we walk into a big room with white walls and lots of different medical equipment.

"As you know, we have recently changed all of our equipment, from scalpels and thermometers to MRI scanners, and it's all from Eva Enterprises." She says.

"A wise choice."

"An inspection is greatly needed so we know what to expect from future deliveries." She says and signals for me to go ahead and check the products.

I didn't have any professional training to check medical equipment but I had done the job with and for Sandy many times so I knew what I was doing.

I did a basic check and made sure all circuit boards were well secured and there were no sharp edges on the machines, which the patients could use to harm themselves.

It took me about 45 minutes to check everything before I gave her the green light to move everything into the correct rooms.

"Is there anything I can help you with before you leave?" She asks politely.

"Can I visit someone?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Of course, I just need the patient's name please."

"Eric King." I say and she types the name into her phone, which was probably a work phone.

"Alright, please go to reception and they'll give you a visitor card and a pat down to make sure you don't have anything that could harm the patient." She says and walks the opposite direction from me.

I walk to the reception, reading all the mental health week posters on the wall along my way.

"How can I help you?" The receptionists asks.

"I'm here to visit Eric King." I say. She gives me a visitors badge and tells me to wait in the visitors lounge.

After waiting for a short while I hear 'Eric King' being called out and get up braving myself to see him for the first time in 4 years.

I'm pat down by a female doctor and after she approves I walk into the visitors lounge.

I see Eric from across the room, he's been handcuffed to the seat and he's facing away from me.

I walk to our table and sit in front of me, when he looks up and realises it's me, I know he's  surprised but hides it well.

"Well I must say," he starts talking "you're just glowing." He compliments.

"I can't say the same for you." I mumble. His curly hair was now a bushy nest with specks of gray. Tired, baggy eyes were placed on top of unkempt stubble.

He laughs humourlessly. "What are you doing here, aren't you busy running your business."

"I supply this hospital with their equipment." I say "I just came here to check up on some things and thought I might as well see you as well."

"How's your marriage?" He asks, knowing he's hit a nerve.

"Xavier and I got divorced 4 years ago, after what you told me." I say referring to that day.

"Well I'm never wrong am I, Amelia?" He smirks. "And before you ask - yes I'm fine, no I haven't spoken to Xavier and goodbye hope I see you never."

He presses a button that was on every table, which rang a buzzer and 2 hospital workers took him out the room.

I decide to shake it off and drive back to the office, and get some work done. After a quick drive I find myself back in my office making some spreadsheets.

"Good afternoon Amelia." Mr Chopra greets me as he saunters into my office, how did he even get in?

I raise an eyebrow "Alexander." I acknowledge his presence- I didn't know we were on first name basis.

"Are we ready for to talk, it's been 2 weeks and I haven't heard from you."  He says.

I hadn't spoken to him since we discussed the deal - I need to make my partnership with Xavier successful in order to become partners with him.

"What would you like to discuss, Alexander?" I ask, irritably.

"Let's get out of here, I have a room at the Miranda, we can talk there." He suggests, his icy grey eyes glinting.

"Business deals don't happen in hotel rooms, Mr Chopra."

"What I would really like to why you haven't updated me about our status."

I physically cringe.

"We have no status," I say bluntly. He seems a little aggravated at my attitude.

"You may want to watch that pretty mouth of yours Amelia, you're the one wanting to work with me, not the other way around." He says, his playful tone gone.

"I have a feeling you're going to be the one begging to work with me by the end of the month Mr Chopra." I assert.

"And why is that?" His eyebrow cocks up.

"Because I will soon be the owner of Eva Enterprises and Kings Corp."
what do you think that means?

updates may be a little slower as i have officially started online school which takes up a good amount of my day

Lots of love

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