Chapter 7

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A breath I didn't know I was holding escapes me when Xavier finally leaves my office.

He doesn't remove his data from my computer so I save it for future reference and open a new tab for my own work.

I didn't have any more meetings but there's only so much I can handle of Xavier in a day, especially the first day I saw him again.

I knew I would have to get used him being around, I was going to work with him but it was a lot harder than I expected.

"So how was it?" Jodie peeps her head around the door of my office as soon as Xavier is out of sight.

"It was not as bad as I thought it would be." I lie.

Truthfully, I hated every second of it but at the same time I couldn't get enough.

To know that he was failing and the only way success was possible was through me was both amazing and scary.

I didn't want to be the reason his company got into even more loss, but at the same time I wished nothing but that. 

It was a battle between business Amelia and broken Amelia and at this moment I wasn't sure who was going to win. 

"We need to throw Jasmine a baby shower!" Jodie frowns as she slumps herself into the chair Xavier was in.

"We do?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" She throws her arms up in exasperation "Jasmine wants a stupid sex reveal at the shower so she can't do it herself."

Her face is so funny I can't help but laugh.

"Well I have nothing else to do today, which means my assistant has nothing else to do today either." I say and take her hand to escort her out the office with me.

"First stop, Party City." I announce as we get into my car.

"What about my car?" She says as she's doing up her seatbelt.

"Sleepover tonight, I'll drive you tomorrow." I suggest and she nods eagerly.

After about 5 minutes of driving we arrive at the store and start buying decorations in pink and blue.

"Ok so what's the baby's sex?" I ask Jodie.

"Why would I know?" She shrugs.

"Why wouldn't you know? You're the one who became an events planner for her."

"We don't have to know, we can just wait and see what the doctor pulls out of her in a month." Jodie shrugs.

"We're not doing that."

"Are we really shopping for a gender reveal without knowing the gender Amelia." Jodie says in a calm tone but I know she's about to lose it, she didn't even want to throw the baby shower in the first place.

"It's fine, just call her doctor and ask." I suggest and she agrees and pulls her phone out to FaceTime the doctor.

"Hey Doc," she begins, the doctor was a friend of mine, since I worked so close with hospitals I had a few good connections with doctors.

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