Chapter 27

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It's been a week since I've seen Amelia.

I was missing her, I didn't even try and deny it. It was so easy to become addicted to her, time and time again.

"Boss man!" Leroy dances into my office. I roll my eyes but can't help to chuckle at his happy mood. "Alexander Chopra wants a meeting with you,"

"Sure, set it up and tell me time." I tell him, I was curious as to what he had to say to me now.

A few hours later, I'm knocking on Chopra's door, and lets me in. Sitting opposite him we begin talking.

"I've heard that you spoke to Miss Davis?" He asks, a single eyebrow raised in intrigue.

"I did, and now thanks to you, I'm getting my company back on its feet." I lie.

The entire plan between me and Amelia was to make Chopra believe that Kings Corp was all mine so he can't have any stake in it. Then when she buys it off me, Chopra can't help but beg her for a partnership.

Over these few weeks I've realised that she loves power, and as much as she's a hard worker she prefers people coming to her and not the other way around.

My conscious kept asking me why I was helping her, and honestly I didn't know. I told myself it was the least I could do after what I put her through.

Secretly, I also wanted to see Chopra fall. He was so smug and overconfident and it would be entertaining to see his face when he sees what we did. But Amelia was at a much better position to make that happen.

"I like helping people, it's what I do." He smirks. "So much so, that I would love to work with you Xavier."

So that was his plan.

"As much as I'm grateful to you, I'm not interested in working with you." I say getting up, and getting ready to leave.

"You think you're the only smart one Mr King, if anything I know that Amelia isn't a quitter, work with me and I can protect your company."

"You think I can't handle myself? I was married to her I think I know better than you." I defend myself.

He raises his hands in surrender.

I'm walking out of the building when I bump into Amelia going up the stairs as I go down.

Why is she here? What if Chopra's right about her? She could still be working with him.

"He called you for a meeting too?" She stops and asks me.

"Yeah, is that why you're here?" I ask and she nods, I feel that heavy feeling in my chest evaporate.

"What did he talk to you about?" She asks.

"I'll wait in my car outside, we'll talk after your meeting." I suggest and she nods.

I go sit in my car, impatiently tapping the steering wheel, waiting for her.

Their meeting ends quicker than I expected, and I can hear the tapping of Amelia's heels against the concrete of the car park.

I beep my horn, to grab her attention so she can hear me. She jogs as fast as she can in her heels to my car.

She looks great - her hair is down, the wind slightly blowing her dark curls. Her white dress is slightly figure hugging.

"Hey." She smiles as she sits in the passenger seat.

"How was it?" I ask. 

"Nothing much, he just said he knows I'm up to something and he wants in on it." She shrugs.

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