Chapter 5

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I take a deep breath and click send.

I tap my fingers anxiously against the glass desk.

Did I do the right thing?

What if he refuses now?

I take a deep breath and calm myself down, what's the worst that could happen? He would just say no, I would have to find another company to work with and I could still get the partnership with Mr. Chopra.

Or he could agree to work with me.

I would have to see him everyday for hours upon end to make our partnership a successful one, in just a month.

I don't know which one was worse.

"I did it." I confess as I walk into Jodie's office.

"Did what?" She asks mindlessly, engrossed in her work, she pauses for a minute "oh you did that."

"Yup..." I don't know what to say.

"But I thought that wasn't even an option." She wonders.

"Well, Mr Chopra said he'll only partner with me if I get some experience soon of collaborating with another company, and I don't have time to go and find a company to work with so I agreed to work with Kings Corp." I explain.

"Yeah you did." She smirks.

"Jodie." I say sternly.

"I shipped you guys the first time and I'm going to do it again." She raises an eyebrow knowingly.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and leave her office.

No one knew why me and Xavier got divorced, I told everyone including Jasmine and Jodie that we just fell out of love. That's why I didn't blame Jodie for rooting for me and him again.

Deep inside I wanted it to all be false, and if no one knew the truth, then maybe it could be.

I decide to put it in the back of my mind and get some work done, but my mind couldn't concentrate on anything except what Xavier would reply with.

I hated the fact that I might have to let him back into my life.

I spent the last 4 years perfecting my life without Xavier, making my life a private haven without him, but to let him back inside was risky.

I knew it was worth it, to expand Eva Enterprises and make my mum proud. Funnily enough, the only way to do that was to work with the man who is responsible for her death. 

Whilst I'm eating lunch, alone in my office, my laptop gets an email notification.

I don't know if I want to look at it or not.

After deep personal contemplation, I open my mail tab. A breath of both annoyance and relief escapes me when I read the email.

20% off bikini wax.

I was annoyed that I didn't receive his email, I wanted to know his reply as soon as possible. At the same time I wanted him to never reply, so I would never have to go near him.

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