Chapter 24

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His voice was low and sinister "Try me." He says before hanging up.

I breath out, exasperated.

Why is he coming all of a sudden, so angry?

I pace around the room, thoughts racing.

It's not long before I hear the faint echo of him pounding the front door upstairs. I unlock the door, using the electric system from my phone and wait in the games room for him.

Soon enough I hear his footsteps slowly get louder as he finds his way to me.

The door blasts open, and he stands in the door frame for a second. His chest is rising up and down rapidly, and his breath is rugged.

"How may I help you, Mr King?" I ask, picking up my cue stick and getting ready to play.

"You were trying to ruin me this entire time." He growls, his voice is low but honestly sounds a lot more scary than when he's yelling.

"Care to explain?" I say neutrally.

"I spoke to Chopra tonight, he told me everything." He says.

"And you believed him?" I fiddle with the cue stick in my hand, as if I don't really care for the conversation.

When I look back up, I see he's right in front of me, his tall build towering over. He pulls his cell phone out of his blazer pocket and plays a recording.

My conversation with Mr Chopra. My eyebrows raise in intrigue.

"So he finally gave it up, huh?" I say, I bend over the table, hitting the first ball straight into the left hole.

I could feel the frustration radiating off him, which only made me want to carry on playing.

"Why, Amelia?" He asks.

"Let's start from the beginning, shall we?" I readjust myself to hit the next ball.

"First, I bought out your customers and partners." The next ball goes into the right hole, "it wasn't hard, considering they were desperate for money and weren't getting it from you."

"Then, of course, that meant that you would go into loss." I hit the next ball, it rolls slowly but makes it into the hole.

"But of course the mighty Xavier King," I hit the next ball "wasn't going to publicly ask for help."

"I went into loss because of you?" He asks, I know he's trying to keep his cool but I sense the shock in his voice.

"I knew you would ask for my help Xavier," I say, still facing away from him. "And when you did, that's when my plan really began."

There's 2 balls left.

"How did you know I would ask you." He questions.

1 ball left.

"Because, I know you. I know that you would rather become bankrupt than ask for help but you had me."

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