Chapter 36

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warning - this chapter briefly discusses suicide.


My flight to California felt different. It wasn't the plane ride, nor was it the weather because those things I felt a thousand times before.

The warmth of the subtle sunrise was usually a beautiful sensation but today it made me nauseous. I wanted to be in New York - it was calling to me.

I swallow away any uneasiness before walking through the tall glass double doors of the hospital, leaving my bodyguards behind.

Opening a new hospital wasn't a small feat and I wasn't going to let some unexpected nerves ruin it, especially since this was Eva Enterprises' first hospital from the ground up.

As soon as my foot went through the door, an eruption of cheer and hurrah engulfed me entirely.

Whether it was small children, who were soon to be moved here, or the elderly, who were going to spend their last moments here, everyone raised in joy.

Happy tears threaten to drop as I see the impact of how I've affected people's lives.

Frantic flashes of media cameras capture me, as I made sure I wore a simple black dress that would be photographed well from every and any angle.

After the cheer and media had calmed down, I was urged by the hospital managers to make a speech, something which I had not prepared for.

I take a deep breath, saying what feels natural to me. These people were the reason I was the Amelia Davis, so I was certain I could think of something to say.

"Thank you." I say, and suddenly pause. There are televisions plastered throughout the vast reception area of the hospital showing the daily news.

Up until now it was just the daily weather and stock market updates before the breaking news headline appeared.

Billionaire Xavier King admitted into hospital after suffering a car crash caused by drunk driving.


No one else seems to be paying attention to the news, as every eye in the crowd is glued to me.

Breathing becomes difficult as I can't take my eyes off of the screen. Christy, my media representation shoots me a glare, telling me to start speaking.

"I-I can't even begin to tell you all," my eyes flicker back to the news reporter telling the story "how happy it makes me to know that you can be happy not only after you're finished with your hospital visits but whilst you're in here."

I've realised I haven't breathed as my lungs beg for air.

"Miss Davis?" a reporter raises his hand to ask a question. I nod to him, hoping that his question will give me a moment to compose myself. They were usually questions regarding what or who I was wearing and didn't require much effort to answer.

"This hospital has the largest emergency room in America - any reason for this?"

Why did someone finally ask an interesting question the day I've forgotten how to breathe.

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