Chapter 10

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My head is pounding as I crawl out of my warm bed and shuffle my feet to the bathroom. After taking some painkillers I get changed into a basic black suit and get ready to leave. I'm bare faced and just throw my hair in a bun.

My headache hasn't gone yet so I decided to just get an Uber to work instead of driving.

When I arrive at work, I see Xavier talking to Jodie, on the way up to her office. I can't hear what they're saying but she laughs before gesturing him to wait outside my office.

I manage to catch up and give him a questioning look when I arrive at my office door.

"..Um your assistant said your available now?" He says. I nod and open the door using my key card and let us both in.

"How can I help you Mr King?" I ask as I sit down, the events of last night are still swirling in my mind and I can't seem to focus no matter how hard I tried.

There's a few visible hickeys on Xavier's neck, god did I give him those last night?

This is so embarrassing.

"Well we need to discuss a plan to get Kings Corp to be the best again." He says, I'm grateful he's keeping it all professional.

"Second best." I comment, he rolls his eyes. "Well I have a few ideas," I continue "you need to focus less on land and put more money online."

His face looks confused, of course he's confused- he's a man.

"What I'm trying to get through to you," I say, purposefully sounding condescending, "is that you focus too much on in person, face to face business when the rest of the world has gone online." He nods understandingly.

I pull out a map of New York City, circling everywhere he had a Kings Corp building in a blue pen, and everywhere there was an Eva Enterprises building in red.

"See.." I begin "I have less than half the amount of buildings and double the profit." I say.

We discuss further and I'm about to get some business contacts out of my bag to help Xavier with putting his business online, when I see I've got 5 missed calls from Jodie.

"Hello," I answer.

"Mel, Jasmine is in labour!" Jodie yells into the phone.

"What! Where are you!" I say.

"On my way to the hospital!" She shouts back.

"Why didn't you take me?"

"I'm sorry that I didn't wait for you to end your meeting and then for you to finally pick up the goddamn phone, now come to the fucking hospital ASAP!" She says sarcastically before hanging up.

"Oh my god." I groan putting my head in my hands.

"Is there a problem?" He asks.

"The problem is that my best friend is in labour and it's rush hour and I won't get a single Uber fast." I moan.

"I can drive you." He offers.

I'm silent, I think about it. I really don't want to get in a car with him. But I won't get an Uber fast enough and I don't wanna miss the birth of Jasmine's daughter.

"Ok let's go." I start speeding walking out the building as fast as I could in my heels.

We get into the car, and Xavier revs it to life. He follows my instructions as he drives as fast as possible in the mild traffic.

When we finally arrive there's only one parking space, which Xavier begins to reverse into.

He places his hand on my left shoulder as he's trying to look back and watch what's behind him.

Goosebumps come up on my entire left arm at his touch and I immediately push his hand off of me.

"Don't worry Miss Davis, that's exactly how I felt last night." He says when he finishes parking, pretending to fix his collar to give me one last look at the hickeys I planted on him.

I'm about to go red out of embarrassment so I just mumble a thanks and get out of the car. He chuckles to himself.

I rush into the hospital and ask the receptionist where Jasmine's room is. She points at in the direction and before she even finishes taking I'm running but I'm not sure which room is her's in the row of rooms.

"Oh fuck, I'm not doing this shit." I see Jasmine walking out barefoot in a hospital gown. My eyebrows raise up confused and I run to her.

"Oh thank god you're here Mel." She exhales, she grabs my arms "I can't do it, it hurts too much." Her eyes are watering.

"Jasmine, the baby is about to pop out, you gotta get into the bed." I point at the bed she climbed out of.

"No let's just get into your car and go." She says.

"Jasmine, you can do this honey." I encourage her.

"No just drive me home Mel, I'm not strong enough to do this." She cries "come on I'm sure your car isn't far."  She begins walking past me.

"Jasmine I can't drive you, I didn't even bring my own car." I say, to make her realise she's not leaving this place.

"What?" She's trying to change the topic and I fall for it.

"Xavier drove me here." I blurt out, shit I wasn't meant to do that.

"Oh." She crosses her arms, the look of pain is instantly gone from her face as smirks "Oh"

I roll my eyes, I'm going to hear it now.

"I'll go back in there." She begins "if.."

"If what?" I groan.

"If you bring Xavier here."

"What no! I'm not doing that!" I say.

"Then I'm not doing this!" She snaps back.

"Why do you even want him at your baby's birth?" I ask, trying to get her to say no.

"The more the merrier." she shrugs.

I groan, I was really going to have to do this.

"Fine," I say through gritted teeth. She smiles cheekily and walks back into the room.

When I arrive at the car park I see Xavier coming out of the parking spot but stops when his eyes meet mine. I walk over to him.

"Mr King um... Jasmine would love it if you were present for the birth of her baby." I say, totally embarrassed.

He cocks up an eyebrow, very embarrassed but doesn't say anything, quickly parking again and walking with me back inside.

"He's here." I say as I arrive to Jasmine's room but my voice is drowned out by her screaming.

I throw my purse into Xavier, who somehow manages to catch it and go to be by Jasmine's side.

baby name ideas please...?
hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Lots of love

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