chapter- 13

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" Thank you, Anna" I smiled, sliding into the back seat with the help of Anna.

" How is your foot now?" Steve asked starting off the engine, once Anna slide into the front seat

" Umm... a lot better," I half lied. I still have a little pain in my foot though.

As I climbed out of the car soft breezes greeted me, kissing my face, flapping my dress. A small smile tug at my lips. What could be better, amid the wind that blows my hair into artistic swirls?

" Wow, the weather " Anna muttered in amazement looking up. The clouds were getting darker and dense.

As we moved ahead Richard appeared before us in all his grandeur, dressed in a pale grey suit with white crisp linen shirt opened at the collar. A pair of  black sunglasses dangling down his neck. His chiseled jaw lifted into a pleasant yet cocky smile. His electric blue eyes glinting and his dark hair brushed into perfection. How can this devil look so handsome?

"All sorted steve?" he asked, without acknowledging the fact that I and Anna were standing there too, which Steve seems to enjoy a lot.

" Yes, " Steve replied.

"Good, Let's get going then,"

Finally, his gaze traveled in our direction, stopping on Anna " Hi Anna, you looking great today," He commented politely.

"Oh...uh...thank you, Richard," she blushed like a teenager. Steve glared at Richard radiating jealously. Just when I thought he would have this much curtsey to say a greeting to me, he turned on his heel. My jaw dropped open. what!

" What's with the attitude," I said to Anna, not controlling my exasperation.

"I don't know but how could he be so handsome"

"Anna, shut up. Please. Can't you see he doesn't even have this much curtsey to say Hi to me" I was vexed with the fact that he didn't pay attention to me, he takes delight in vexing me. Rascal!

" Why didn't you say to him then, if it affects you this much."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Ana was right. Why does it affect me so much? why should I care whether he said Hi to me or not? I shouldn't be affected by this. Well, he is not the one I should be obsessed about.

" Of course, you are gonna take his side. You are on his side,"

"I am not on anybody's side," she chuckled.

Richard POV:

I intentionally ignored Somya because I like it when she pouts. She looks so cute when she does that. I always like to hang out with women who are sexy and hot, but she is different. The way she innocently flutters her long eyelashes makes me want to do so many things to her. But I guess she is the one who is made for love only, not for satisfying someone's lust. I am such a terrible person for thinking like that for her. Shame on you Richard! I just pray she should never know what kind of thoughts I have for her. I'd die if she knows.

" Hello Mr. Willson," A beaming voice broke out dragging me out of my trail of thoughts.

" Oh, Hello Mr. Peirce. How are you doing?" I extended my hand.

"I am good, Thank you. I didn't expect you here...when did you come back from New york?"

" A month ago,"

Mr. Peirece and I were standing beneath one of the white canopies lining the edge of the polo field, discussing our forthcoming project in New York.

"Thank you," I smiled taking the tulip glass filled with champagne. Gazing up at the grey clouds I took a sip of light, crisp champagne. Suddenly out of nowhere, Somya came unbidden into my mind. Oh, man! She has no idea how many women I slept with to get over my lust for her. Never had I felt like this. I try to keep my distance from her as much as I can, but she had me throwing my usual status quo out the window. God! I fucking want her every time I see her. Jeez, I am a monster! She is the one girl who is herself around me, and I like that. But the fact that she doesn't want me back is sending me crazy. she is the only girl who didn't fall at my feet and it is driving me insane.

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