chapter - 19

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Today I arrived at the office around 7:15 a.m much earlier than I was accustomed to. The usual hectic pace in the building was replaced by a peaceful environment. We all are going to arrive early from today at the office for the next two weeks as we have this new project coming up in New York and we have loads to do. We have very little time left on our hands as Richard needs to leave for New York in one month. As usual, I can't see Steve anywhere, he hasn't responded to any of my messages and phone call.

I hit the elevator button, while I wait my thought automatically drifted back to last night, images of me falling on the floor came unbidden in my mind, haunting me. Shit! I squeezed my eyes trying to erase the unwelcome images. Harry knew that I was dreaming about him. I cringed in embarrassment even when I am thinking about this. I don't know what will happen When I will face him.

"Good Morning," A familiar voice said snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced in the direction of voice-Richard! Oh look at him, he looks happy.

" Good morning," I beamed. He was dressed in a grey shirt with a black tie and matching black trousers. His suit jacket hanging in the crook of his elbow.

The elevator arrived and we stepped inside quietly. I hit the button for the 31st floor, I had always hated elevators, every time the door closes I would wonder if I would ever see daylight again but I still get in them, as I have no choice. Richard was on his I-phone scrolling down the screen. As for me, I watched the numbers lighting up, getting bigger and bigger...14...15..16

Just as we passed the 16th floor the elevator abruptly stopped, shaking us a little. My heart froze. I instantly looked at Richard, panic-stricken.

" What's happening? " Fear gripping me. Richard pressed the alarm button and waited. No one answered. He pressed it again. The same silence. No, please! This is my worst fear to trap in an elevator. I started pressing the open door button but nothing happened.

I fetch out my cellphone quickly from my bag and called Steve. He picked my call in one ring.

" Steve, we are stuck in the elevator, help. Steve "

" Somya, your voice is cracking up," he said from the other side

" Hello, hello Steve... Steve you there, we are stuck ... " and the phone goes out of the network. Fuck!

I looked at Richard, he looked calm. How can he be so calm? Bloody hell! we are stuck in an elevator.

"What to do now?" I asked frighteningly looking at him. My heart began racing uncontrollably. The pounding in my ear was all I could hear. Before he could say anything I started banging the doors.

"Help. Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while banging the doors.

"Hey, hey," Richard grabbed my wrists turning me towards him. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring his face.

"Somya, we will be out of here in no time. Okay." He said gently looking into my eyes.

"I am scared,"

"I know you are but I am with you,"

Tears rolled down my eyes. " I don't want to die in here with no food and even worse, no water!"

" You are not gonna die in here, Trust me," His electric blue eyes were strong and full of promise.

" I am claustrophobic, Richard,"

"Try to distract yourself for now, Okay?"

I nodded. He let go of my wrists slowly, then to my surprise he wiped my tears. I blinked trying to comprehend this nice gesture.

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