chapter : 7

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Closing the passenger's side door I walked around settling myself in a driver's seat. I briefly looked over her while Fastening my seat belt in place. She was admiring the interior of the car, her innocent chestnut brown eyes slightly wide from the view. Just as our eyes locked, she quickly looked away. She fastened the seatbelt, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I wanted to say not to tug her hair behind the ears when she did so. Because I liked her face that way. Wait! What?...what did I just think. Crazy thought...very crazy thought...just drive Harry.

Brushing off my stupid thoughts. I gently pressed the start button and the engine roared start. For a few minutes, a deep silence settled over us. It was awkward not talking. I don't have anything to talk about since I hardly know her. And most importantly she was busy with her phone that I dare not disturb her. I glanced sideways at her briefly and my eyes took in her features. she has smooth light brown skin which was glowing and her deep dark brown hair fell in perfect curls on her shoulder. she had a small smile on her face whilst tapping against the smooth screen of her cell phone.


My phone buzz with a notification which drew my attention towards it, well I was thankful at that time because the less I speak the more it will be good.

After a few minutes, I slide my cellphone into my clutch and sneak a peek at him. He is heart-stoppingly beautiful. I can't believe my luck, a few days ago I was talking to his photos and now I am looking right at him in person. I wondered how many lucky ladies have gotten a chance to seat with him in his car. I am sure I am nothing in front of those girls. I should be glad that he is kind enough to do this charity on me. And just like that- I felt like choking when I thought of him surrounded by other women.

Disappointingly, I fixed my gaze outside the tainted window and watched the light traffic flow.

" Do you want to open the window," He asked snapping me out of my trance.

" Can I?"

" Sure," he replied and pressed the button on his armrest making the window slide down without a sound. Immediately the soothing air started to ruffle my hair. Ah, this feels so good!

I cock my head, and studied him for a moment, something which I can do my whole life, happily. But right now I am working up the courage to ask him the millions of questions dancing in my head. should I?

"It's okay...I am not going to bite you, you can say," he said as if he read my mind.

" Okay," I beamed

" what's your full name?" I couldn't hide the curiosity in my voice.

A small smile tugs on his lips before he replied "Henry Charles Albert David,". His eyes were on the road.

" Whoa! that's a pretty big name,"

he chuckled softly " I know,"

" How long have you known Andrew?"

" Uh...I don't know maybe 20 years or more, But we hardly meet," he turned and gazes at me briefly before his eyes were back on the road.

" Why?" I asked and immediately regrets it when he gave me a fleeting quizzical look. Now he must be thinking I am too nosy. 'Dam...The idiom- curiosity killed the cat, totally fits on me right now,'

" Because I moved to boarding- school,"

" Boarding school...what's it's like?" I keep firing my question like a reporter.

" A happy place," he grinned.

" A happy place?...seriously?"

" Yes,"

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