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(knock knock)

"Come in "

"Hey, we have to go" Steve walked in carrying two coffee mugs in his hands.

My brows creased. " Where?" I asked slightly leaning back in my chair, giving a break to my spine.

"Here you are, it's hot, don't spill it." steve leaned forward, placing a steamy mug of coffee gingerly in front of me and the other in front of him.

" Thank you,"

He dashed his hand through his tousled hair as he threw himself onto the chair and leaned back in it, sprawling out his legs.

"Someone is really tired," I chuckled, taking the first sip of the coffee.

" Yes, I am. I need a break. I need vacations," He whined, making me chuckle more. He is really a grown-up baby. I wondered how Anna handles him.

" Anyway, Can you please tell me where we are supposed to go?"

" Don't you know?" his brows raised slightly in surprise.


" We have this magazine photoshoot today at four, which needs to be taken care of," "he spoke sipping his coffee."

"Oh Okay," I muttered leaning back more into my chair, enjoying all the comfort an office chair can provide.

"What! what are you doing, don't get so chill, don't you know it is of Prince Harry," he rushed out bolting upright in his chair.

I almost spat out my coffee when I heard this. "What?" I exclaimed putting down my coffee mug.

"When were you planning to tell me this? after the photoshoot. Besides Andrew was going to cover that up, didn't he?"

"Um.... sorry I forgot to message you yesterday that Andrew would be on leave today...My bad," Steve muttered sheepishly. I glared at him. Rascal!

"Steve" I hissed. Stupid! I will kill him.

I whined to myself and dropped my forehead to the table. Now what I am going to do? Harry is going to be there, I don't want to face him after that incident, and I believe neither he would want to see me. Harry's face flashed before my eyes and anxiety bloomed in my stomach. God, please give me the strength to face him.

I glanced up at steve who was sitting in front of me, pretty much relaxed and unbothered, sipping his coffee. I glared at him, at his audacity to look so calm, after throwing me into this situation.

" What?" He asked, raising his brows.

" Nothing," I smiled sweetly, crushing a paper in my fist.

"let's get rolling then,"

"Sure" I hissed, throwing the crushed paper at him which he dodged, laughing.

" I will kill you,"

he grinned, " Do it, once we back from the shoot,"

I sighed, shaking my head, and eventually, I couldn't help but softly chuckle at his childish laugh. I gulped down the last of my coffee and collected my stuff hurriedly, shoving them inside my Tod bag.

"After you," Steve extended his hand holding the door open.

"Oh thank you," I smiled sweetly and punched him right into his stomach on my way out.

"Oww" He groaned in pain, holding his stomach, which I knew he was exaggerating.

" You deserve that steve".

I scrambled out the sunglasses and put them on before I slide into the driver's seat.

"Have you heard?"

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