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October 2014,
A deserted place, outskirts of Mumbai.

A girl in her early twenties weeping, "Please leave me ... what do you even want? I am sure there has been a misunderstanding, let me call my dad."

She was scared by the people around her and the place where she was being held at since two days.

What did they want from her?

This was the first time that she ever saw them and they seem to be enjoying every bit of torturing her. Red marks covered her body.....marks, which came from the lashings of their whip.

She was tied to a chair, pale due to due to exhaustion, struggling to talk and was trembling with fear!! Fear of not seeing her family ever again, bringing tears to her eyes.

She remembered the day two days back when she was abducted by these ruthless people.
What started as any normal day ended up being the worst nightmare of her life.

She was coming back home from her college when she was ambushed by a group of men. One of them caught hold of her and when she tried to scream, he closed her nose and mouth by piece of cloth. She struggled to get out of the hold and scream for help but no voice came out ...all she remembered was she being dumped into a van, before losing consciousness.

The next, she woke up to darkness, her eyes covered with a piece of cloth. She tried moving only to realize that her hands and feet were tied and her mouth was gagged.

The girl struggled to break free when she heard the Voice for the first time which send chills down her spine.

"Eyy chirayya !!! stop struggling. It will be less painful to you and a bit less work for us if you co-operate. Don't even try to escape from me" it warned.

"Escape is impossible and if you get caught, you will regret to have even thought about it."

And then, nothing.... She again slipped into a deep sleep only to wake up to the sound of commotion wondering if it was just hours or days since she lost her senses.

The cloth covering her eyes and the gag closing her mouth was removed. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw a group of 20 people dressed in what could be put as wear-tear clothes hovering around her.

The man in front of her was tall, well built with a muddy face which had a scar on his right eyebrow. He who seemed to be the one incharge of the mob snarled at her.

"Hai, how are you doing my dear. Looks like your dad doesn't love you much. He gave us the reason to touch you now."

Scared of what he might do, she decided to talk "Look, I seriously think there is a misunderstanding.... You might be having the wrong person with you. If my dad comes to know of this, you will never get away alive. I give you a chance to live. Let me free and you can have as much money as you want."

"Ohh, the girl has a nerve" he joked.

"How dare you threaten me with your dad. You think I fear him?" he laughed. "Ok since you put a deal before me, why don't you hear my end of the bargain."

Relieved that they were atleast negotiable, she said "You can have anything. Tell me how much you want and let me talk to my dad. You will get it."

"How about me getting a taste of you in exchange of letting you go" he snarled.

Disgusted, she spit on his face and shouted, "Over my dead body."

"Ok...if that's what you want" he agreed...

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