21. Fixing the nets

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Location: Omkara's room, Oberoi Mansion, Mumbai.

As they calmed their breaths after the intense make out, Omkara still hovering above his wife asked "So, you are Ms. Sherni?"

Gauri looked at her husband with wide eyes. Great!! is there anybody who doesn't know that she is Shivaay's sister? Poor job she did in hiding things.

"How did you find out Omkaraji? Is that the reason why you stayed away?"

"That is not the answer to my question Gauri" he deadpanned.

"Uhh... Yes" she answered meekly.

"Why did you hide it from me?"

"I.... I had my reasons" she said not looking at him.

Omkara held her face in his hand making her look at him.

"Exactly... what are those reasons?"

She thought for a moment and said "Listen to me completely before you come to a decision Omkaraji. I'm trusting you now. Promise me that you will not interfere even if you don't agree with me"

Omkara nodded is head in a yes and she told him everything. How she and Abhay came to know about Shivaay's mission, what he was after, the falsified facts regarding Shivaay's death, how they thought that Shakti Khurana was involved in his death and how they planned to get those files.

Gauri saw the change of expression on her husband's face from surprise to anger and finally disbelief.

"Bullshit. Shakti sir will never harm Shivaay Gauri. He was like a son to him" said Omkara.

"Really? Then why did he lie? Abhay clearly told me that Shiv Bhaiyya talked to him that day and he was not with your Shakti sir. He said he could track bhaiyya on the morning of 14th October while the accident was declared to happen on the midnight of 13th October."

Omkara thought for a while before answering "I agree I found him unnecessarily intruding in my case too but I know him since I was a child Gauri. He is one of the sincerest police officers I came across. He will never do anything that will compromise anybody's safety. There is more to this than meets the eye. I don't like you snooping around searching for confidential files" he stated.

"What do you suggest we do then Omkaraji? Ask him directly? If he can say that directly wouldn't he have confided in you by now? You said he may not harm Shivaay directly but what if he were under some threat? That might be the reason why he lied too. Don't you think? We need the files to know the answers to those questions" she completed while Omkara still looked uncertain.

His mind in a different thought all together. "Was he really under some threat? Is that the reason why he is being adamant on removing him from the case to hand it over to Mukesh? And most important of them all "Is there a connection between Nisha's case and Shivaay's death?"

Gauri looked at her husband in thought "I know you are close to him. That is the reason I choose to keep this to myself. You already hate my brother for hurting you and I didn't want you to get involved in something that reminds you of him" she said "I wasn't planning on being a super woman of course by doing it all by myself but we wanted some solid evidence to prove that Shakti sir indeed is involved in bhaiyya's death so that we could take your help" she explained.

"I don't hate him Gauri. I was hurt yes, but I can never hate him. He was my best friend and whatever he did was for my good. I understand it now" explained Omkara and Gauri spoke with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry that you had to go through that. He did it for me and my mother."

Omkara hugged her as she cried remembering her brother. He would be so happy knowing that she is happily married to the man he choose for her and her husband doesn't hate him for his misdeed she thought.

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