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Abhay opened his eyes slowly trying to accommodate the blinding light. He tried to raise his hands to cover his eyes from the light when he felt them tied down. His drowsiness left him sensing danger and he jerked awake. Once fully conscious, he checked his surroundings and saw Gauri a mere three feet distance from him, her head resting on head of the same chair she was tied to.

He recalled the last incident before he lost consciousness. He settled Gauri into the car while the officer took the driver seat. He closed the car's door and turned around when someone hit him hard on the head.

He cleared his parched throat and tried to reach out to Gauri calling her name who was still unconscious.

"Gauri!!" he called out in a harsh whisper not wanting to alert their captor.

Gauri didn't move but frowned slightly.

Abhay tried again calling "Gauri!!".

He gently nudged the chair he was tied to in her direction trying to make as minimal noise as possible. Once he reached her side, he tried to nudge her but he couldn't reach her as his hands were tied to the chair.

Finally looking around he loudly called her name and she jerked awake.

"Gauri here look at me" he whisper yelled and she turned towards him.

"Abhi what is this place? Where are we" she asked looking around the room in the dilapidated building.

"I do not know Gauri. I woke up just minutes before you. Looks like we have been kidnapped" he said and she nodded.

"I don't know how long we have been unconscious looking at the light, it must be sometime around noon" she said as she tried to remove the ropes tying her hands.

The door to the room opened with a bang and both of them jumped in their places.

"Look who is awake finally" asked the person smiling at them.

"Arjun? You kidnapped us?" asked Abhay while Gauri gaped at him.

"Yes Mr. Abhay Agnihotri. It is Arjun Shastri a.k.a Arjun Bharadwaj that has kidnapped you" he answered.


Location: Oberoi Mansion, Mumbai.

Shakti turned around to face the rest after he got the information from Tarun.

"Arjun Shastri joined as a chemistry professor in a college near the GO Homes orphanage in Bareilly two years back. He had a mother who died one year ago with a sudden cardiac arrest. Character wise, he is calm, introverted and has very less friends. He barely went out of his house or made new friends. Even Tarun said that he used to see him rarely outside the college campus" said Shakti.

"Tarun mentioned that he had a liking towards Gauri since he first joined the college and he was put away by Abhay. Once a major fight broke out between the two following which Abhay went to Arjun's home and talked to his mother to ask him to be away from her. From then Arjun never showed any advance towards Gauri except occasionally watching her and talking about her with Tarun" concluded Shakti.

"Abhay got into a fight with him?" wondered Shivaay. "That is so unlikely of him sir. There must be something terribly wrong to get that reaction out of him" he said and Shakti nodded.

"I asked Tarun to further investigate the matter. We can expect results by evening I guess" said Shakti.

"Does that mean he is not our target?" asked Omkara and Shivaay nodded a no.

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