22. Is it too Late??

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Location: Omkara's room, Oberoi Mansion

Omkara reached his room late that night to see his wife sleeping peacefully. His heart felt heavy with the recent revelations regarding his father. He wanted to talk to her and let it all out but he didn't want to disturb her sleep as well.  Standing at the foot of their bed he stared at her beautiful face for a minute before he turned around and walked into the bathroom.

Freshly showered and changed into his cotton pants, he got into the bed shirtless and gently pulled his wife towards himself careful not to wake her up. Sleep was far away and he decided to pass the time looking at Gauri and master her features. May be some day he could put his vision onto a canvas. She is definitely a picture worth sketching. He reminisced how she blushed in the evening when his mother teased them about taking more than necessary time locating the bathroom at Shakti sir's place.

That brought out a chuckle and he leaned to kiss her on her nose ring. Gauri frowned in her sleep before slightly opening her eyes to see her husband looking at her with his heart in his eyes.

"Sorry Gauri... sleep" said Omkara and caressed her hair hoping she would go back to slumber.

"Omkara ji when did you come. I thought of waiting for you but I dozed off. Did you come from Abhi's place?" she asked and noted the disturbed look on her husband's face as he nodded his head and avoided her eyes.

Sleep flew out of the window and she got straight to the point "What happened?"

Omkara was about to laugh it off when she frowned at him. "I know there is something wrong so spill it" she deadpanned.

When he remained silent she gently caressed his cheek and he closed his eyes leaning into her palm. When he opened them they were glistening with tears and she worriedly asked "Omkaraji you are scaring me now. What is the matter?"

Omkara simply hugged her tight his face buried in her chest and arms around her waist. Gauri wrapped her arms around him and gently rubbed his bare back, kissing his hair occasionally.

He spoke to her after a long period of silence. He told her what he learnt at Abhay's place and how he missed his father. Gauri patiently listened to him putting in a word or two trying to console.

"Your brother held so much from me Gauri. He should have told me"

"He has this nature of protecting his loved ones from pain Omkaraji. He always kept things from me too. I guess he couldn't help it. We have to accept him the way he is" she said and Omkara nodded.

"I don't know what would have happened to me after my mother's death if not for him and Abhi. I was an orphan literally" she explained and Omkara tightened his hug if possible.

"Your father was a great man Omkaraji. I would have liked to meet him and thanked him for giving you to me. Only a loving father can know what his child needs without him asking for it" she said and Omkara noted the longing in her voice.

"Gauri your father was a good man too. I am sure you miss him.." he started and she cut him off "Miss him? when was he with me to miss him Omkaraji"

"I never saw him and never heard his voice. I don't even know his name. What does a daughter expect from a father? That he would raise her with love, support her, listen to her and keep her away from bad eyes. Isn't it? If that is so, then I had my Shiv bhaiyya with me doing everything a father and brother had to do. I didn't need a father then nor do I need him now" she said and Omkara decided not to talk on it and upset her further.

He decided to change the topic and said "Shivaay could be a pain when he takes up a responsibility seriously. Dad used to send him with me and Rudy whenever we asked his permission to go for a party. True to his word he never allowed us to drink more than two drinks while we sulked looking at our friends having fun getting wasted. Rudy literally used to beg him to let go but he would put his foot down and eventually Rudy would shut up exhausted" he laughed reminiscing the good old days.

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