3. Duty and beauty

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GOOD OLDEN DAYS...........................

Location: Sharma house, Bareilly.

"Gauri please eat something beta, Shivaay will definitely come. You did not eat your lunch too. Ye kya manmaani hai." Pleaded Radha though she knew it was a futile attempt to make Gauri do something which she doesn't want to. Her ten year old girl is as stubborn as a mule. Once she decides to do something no one can stop her from doing it.

Today was rakshabandhan and Shivaay was to come home from his College in Mumbai but his train got delayed under unforeseen circumstances. He promised Gauri that he would come to give her a surprise that day and the child had been waiting for him to come so that she could tie the colurful Rakhi which she choose for him and had been bragging about it ever since she bought it.

Radha looked at the clock which had struck eight. Shivaay should have been home by now. Deciding to give him a call, she walked out of the room to get her phone and stopped in her tracks when Gauri questioned her.

"Why am I not supposed to go anywhere to study like Shivaay bhaiyya maa... why am I home schooled? Why are we not allowed to step out of town? you know Richa right, she said she is going to shift to Mumbai too. She said that her father got a promotion and they plan to settle down there. She also said that her father plans to join her in a better school there and they would visit the beach everyday after school."

Radha just stood behind Gauri who had her back to her mother and was staring out of the window, not knowing how to answer her questions. She silently cried as her daughter asked her again "Why do I don't have a father maa? Did he leave because I go for fights not listening to you? Because I am not a good girl like you say? Will Shiv bhaiyya leave me too? Richa said that Shiv bhaiyya is not my brother. When he gets a job, he would leave me. Is that true? Why did he not come today?" and broke into bitter sobs.

"How did you think I will not come Gauri?" said Shivaay standing at the doorway making Gauri and Radha turn to him.

Gauri ran towards him and flung herself into his arms crying her heart out and angrily smacking him for making her wait so long.

"I'm sorry Gauri, my train got delayed. I'm really sorry bacha. See I have a surprise for you" consoled Shivaay, tightly hugging her. "Jaldi se rakhi bandho, hum khana khayenge aur fir you can see what I bought for you...what say?" to which Gauri screamed "Maa bahut bhook lagi hai jaldi se Rakhi lao and then food."

Radha hurried out to get the rakhi and food for her kids before her daughter had a change of mood.

After tying rakhi and having a hearty meal, Shivaay showed Gauri his gift which was a half metal heart with an S imprinted on it and had a metal chain. Gauri looked at her gift with wonder and adoration.

While Shivaay tied the locket around her neck she asked "Shiv bhaiyya, where is the other half of the heart?" to which Shivaay showed her another locket with a similar half heart and has a G imprinted on it. "This is for me" he said winking and tying it around his neck.

"You are everything to me Gauri, never believe if anyone says I will leave you... You trust me right?" Gauri just hugged him in response muttering a sorry.

Trying to lighten the mood, Radha asked "Acha Shivaay, what if my Gauri gets married? Will you stay with her even then? will her husband allow it?"

Gauri frowned at that when Shivaay answered "Why will he not allow, I will select a husband for my Gauri jo humare beech kabhi nahi ayega, hain na Gauri" he quipped wiggling his eyebrows to which Gauri covered her face blushing red.

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