15. Recovery and Home-coming

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Good olden days............................

Rudra looked at his brother lying on his bed in his room and his mother crying before him.

Two days ago his brother was so happy, exuding an air of confidence on the day his won the match. He remembered how he and his Shivaay bhaiyya together made him embarrassed with their match making. How he scolded them for irritating him.

Now, he cannot recognize the man before him, lying almost lifeless, staring into the abyss. Two days...... and he was snatched off a happy family... his happy family.

He frantically searched for his brother when he knew of what that evil woman did to him that evening when he went to propose her. He was scared out of his wits when he got a call from a random person informing him of what had happened and the state his brother was in when he walked out of that house. He found him that night at a bar wasted away mumbling Shivaay's name.

He brought Omkara home and was still figuring out how to support his heartbroken brother when he got the second blow. Shakti informed him about Shivaay's demise the next day and he felt his world collapse. Why did it have to happen to them? He thought as a tear dropped from his eye.

Why didn't his brother believe him when he told him repeatedly that the woman was not good for him. Why did his Shivaay bhaiyya leave them when they needed him the most.

When Omkara knew about Shivaay's death, he was beyond shocked and didn't know how to react. All he felt was guilt and remorse. In his hangover state, he pleaded his mother to let him go to the site who vehemently denied him saying that he was not in a state to face it. She informed him that Shakti will be looking over the formalities and nothing remained for him to do.

That was the last time he spoke to his mother or anybody, after which he angrily locked himself in his room and refused to come out of it until today when Rudra broke the door open getting no response from him. They found him lying on the floor unconscious and called the doctor who informed them that the fainting spell was probably because of weakness resulting from starvation.

When Omkara regained consciousness he refused to talk to anybody until now when his mother broke into uncontrollable sobs pleading him to talk to her.

"Please Om!!" She sobbed "You need to eat something beta. We will talk once you eat. I'm sorry I stopped you from going there but please understand that you were not in the mental state to handle that stress. Please forgive me beta. We lost Shivaay, I cannot lose you too."

Omkara looked to his side where his brother sat looking at him, his eyes pleading him to come back to him, telling him that he needed him. He knew how Rudra adored Shivaay. He must have been equally broken. How can he be selfish to ignore the pain of his family. His family needed him and he is supposed to be strong. His dad would have wanted that. Shivaay would have wanted that.

"Please don't cry mom. I am sorry I didn't realize what I was putting you through" he finally said in a weak voice and Jhanvi hugged her son thankful that he responded. Omkara hugged his mother back and looking at Rudra, he extended his other hand. Rudra came running to the mother son duo and hugged them tight crying like a child.

"We will get over this... together" said Omkara and Rudra mumbled a "yes we will" still hugging him.


Location: CEO cabin, Oberoi industries, Mumbai.

Rudra and the board members were discussing about the idea of the start up proposed by Abhay.

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