18. Secrets out

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Location: Omkara's Cabin, CB-CID, Mumbai.

Dandi and Abhishek were looking at their senior who seem to have a smile plastered on his face since morning.

Dandi had nervously informed him that the forensic art did not match the database of two other states till then, expecting him to shout at him again. He looked flabbergasted when Omkara just smiled with a nod and said "Keep going"

Abhishek whispered to Dandi "Why is he smiling at everything? I just saw that Ramudev kaka did not give him tea at his usual time yet sir just smiled at him and let him. Normally he gets irritated when his routine is disturbed right?"

Dandi in the meanwhile was analyzing his theories in mind. After a moment of thought he shared it with Abhishek.

Yesterday sir had an accident right. May be he fell on his head Abhi.

Abhishek shook his head at his friend while Dandi continued "Or else, it must be Gauri mam". That made Abhishek look at his friend with interest.

"Why? What with Gauri mam?"

"Sir had a fight with her yesterday Abhi"


"When he went home afterwards, Gauri mam must have hit him with a broom stick on his already injured head. That might be the reason" he said looking serious and Abhishek laughed out loud.

Omkara turned to look at them when he heard them laughing.

"What was the joke?" he asked them smiling and they immediately stopped their laughter nodding their heads in a no indicating nothing.

"To phir kaam chodke pagalo ki tarah has kyun rahe hoo...? (then why are you laughing like idiots without working) get back to work" he growled and they jumped into action.

After a while when Omkara left his cabin, Dandi whispered to Abhishek "I think it is not the broom stick she must have used a bellan (roller)"and Abhishek again burst out laughing.


Bhavya was contemplating whether to investigate on her Gauri Bhabhi when Omkara entered her room.

"Bhavya I need the drug analysis reports of the unclaimed dead body" he asked her.

"Okay Bhaiyya" she said and got up to search for the file folder.

Omkara walked up to her desk and casually skimmed through the contents when he found his wife's certificates there.

"Bhavya why are Gauri's certificates with you?"

"Gauri Bhabhi was to submit these certificates yesterday in the college and I offered to do the work for her bhaiyya but the person who was in charge of certificate collection was on leave yesterday college. So, I thought to give them today" she explained and looked at him.

Bhavya was surprised to see him fondly looking at his wife's picture on the certificates with a smile and thought Rudra was indeed right. His brother might be in love with his wife already.

"Umm...bhaiyya.. this is the file you asked for" she said handing him over the file.

When he took the file and was about to leave, she asked him "Bhaiyya.... Gauri bhabhi's surname was Tiwari right? But these certificates have some other name in them."

"Oh!! It might be her mother's maiden name Bhavya. She had some family problems while growing up" he replied remembering his talk with his father in law.

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