14. Betrayals and insecurities

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Good olden days..................................

With a bouquet of roses in one hand, a small jewelry box containing a beautiful ring in his pocket, love for her in his heart along with a million dreams of having a family with her, Omkara entered their flat sneaking into it quietly with his duplicate key.

He took off his coat and placed the keys in the key stand quietly not wanting to spoil her surprise. 'Ridhima loved surprises' he thought with a huge grin.

He stealthily walked into their bedroom which was partly open. He knew she would be home that evening since she gets back from work by five. As he got near, he could hear voices coming out of it. He could recognize one of them as his girlfriend's and she was moaning. He stopped for a second, his heart beating rapidly not out of anxiety but with a feeling of dread. He contemplated whether to go ahead or not and made up his mind.

He looked into the room to see two figures on their bed partially naked, partially covered with their duvet, pleasuring each other. He let out a painful gasp and the bouquet fell from his hands.

Ridhima was having the time of her life. This new guy she met a week ago seems to have taken a liking towards her and she decided to have fun tonight before her boyfriend returned from work and she was glad that she did because he was good at what he was doing to her. He was even better than Ajay.

Omkara, her golden duck, the ever cool, charming persona, she used to be in love with had begun to bore her. But she cannot lose him after working so hard for three years. It is a pity that he was more interested in case files and dead bodies than making love to her. She couldn't leave him and she couldn't not take mini pleasures once in a while. She was kissing the guy and he reciprocated it when she heard a gasp.

She turned her head to the sound and saw a heart broken Omkara staring at the scene, too numb to move and tears flowing from his eyes.

Oh shit!!

She pushed the man aside and scrambled out of the bed searching for her top saying the chant that anybody would say after being caught red-handed by one's partner, making out with someone else.

"Om it is not what it looks like. It is a mis understanding. I can explain"

Omkara who came out of his shock with her sickening voice, turned around ready to leave the place and the woman in it behind.

She however caught on to him and held his hand when he jerked it off as if burnt by it.

"Om listen to me, I can explain"

"What will you explain Ridhima? I can clearly see that you were screwing him. What more is there to explain?"

Looking that her explanation would not do much good, she tried the other route.

"I am sorry Omkara, it was the first time. I feel all lonely when you do not spend your time with me. When was the last time you came home to me. It is always either your mom, your brother, Shivaay or your work. I only come last to you"

"Really? So you decide to cheat on me? Should I feel guilty that you were lonely and decided to have a fling on the side while being with me at the same time."

"Omkara it is not a fling. It was just a... a..."

"Yeah, exchange of body fluids.. I get it. Now, get out of my sight and life. Will you" he said moving away.

Ridhima was frustrated. She was angry that a small misdoing on her part is going to ruin her hard work of three years. She tried again.

"Omkara do you think this is entirely my fault? With the way you treated me anyone would have done this."

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