11. Omkara Weds Gauri

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Good olden days..................................

"Shivaay what are you looking for" asked Omkara.

They just had a practice match of football before the yearly match conducted for charity. Eagles won the match and the teams just retired to their resting rooms. Omkara and his team were discussing some errors and mis-judgements made during the match, when he saw Shivaay hurriedly run out from the resting room. Thinking it might be something serious he followed him outside to see that Shivaay was on the match ground seriously searching for something.

"I lost my locket Om. It is very important to me" he said not bothering to lift his head, carefully searching the area inch by inch.

"Okay. Let me help you then" said Omkara and began searching along with him.

After about ten minutes of search Omkara heard a relived 'Thank god' from his friend and turned to him.

"Oh good. You found it" stated Omkara with a smile looking at Shivaay who kissed the locket and quickly wore it on his neck.

"Ummm Shivaay, that seems to be something very important to you. May I know why? I mean you don't need to tell me if it is something personal" asked Omkara carefully.

Omkara knew Shivaay had issues with his dad though he didn't know the exact reason for the same. Shivaay would rage out whenever somebody remotely reminded him of that man. He hoped he wouldn't get upset now, in case the locket was something related to his mother or father and him asking about it would remind Shivaay something he didn't want to be reminded of.

"No Om" Shivaay said with a fond smile. "I bought it for my sister in her childhood on a rakshabandhan day. It gives me a feeling that she is with me. This heart in the locket is incomplete without it's counterpart that my sister has" he said showing him the 'half heart' locket.

Shivaay chuckled and said "She would kill me if I lose it"

Omkara smiled at him "The great Shivaay Trivedi is afraid of his sister?... point to be noted my lord"

"Of course Om, you have no idea of her anger. She is a karate brown belt holder and I wouldn't dare make her angry"

Omkara laughed "You are a black belt holder Shivaay"

"So? Do you really think I would fight her? I can't bear it if she gets hurt"

"You love her so much" said Omkara looking at Shivaay who had a serene smile on his face reminiscing his sister.

"She means the world to me" replied Shivaay with a hint of water in his eyes. "You know Om, she used to get into fights with boys twice her age when she knew they made me upset. She literally said she would be my bodyguard and she learnt karate to serve the same purpose. She used to get scolding from Maa many times for that. Once she gets on her mind to do something, she never backs off. 'Sherni hai meri behen'(my sister is a tigress)" he said "She is my pillar of support and my protector which my father never was."

Omkara though wanted to know more about this little protector of his best friend, changed the topic fearing the trigger of something, which would be painful for Shivaay.

April 2017

Location: ABC Wedding/function hall, Bareilly.

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