10. Will it near to end or ends in near end

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Good olden days............................

YEAR 2012

"Shivaay, for now just know that he is safe. But if you continue your search against my advice, then I cannot assure you the same. The department has a mole Shivaay, even a slight mistake can endanger his life." Said Tej Singh Oberoi

"I am sorry sir. My intention was just to help him out in case he needs it. They are an underground organization since many years and it is difficult to get them arrested. Gauri was away from her father for fourteen years sir. I just wanted to cut short the exile. The more time she is away from him, the more distant she will be from him emotionally. She will not marry Om if she knows that it was her father's wish" explained Shivaay.

"I understand Shivaay, the girl hardly has any emotional connect with her father and I feel guilty that I am the one responsible for it. Had I not asked him to take up this case, he would have been there for her. But he was the best undercover cop Shivaay, we needed him. What we did not expect was that it will take fourteen years for gathering the evidence. One wrong move and everything will come tumbling down"

"If it comes to saving him I will put my life on the line if necessary" replied Tej and Shivaay nodded.

"How is Radha doing?" he asked and Shivaay replied with a weak smile "She waits for her husband to come so that he can bring her daughter in control. Gauri gives her a tough time. She becomes difficult to handle sometimes."

"Yet you managed to bring order. Didn't you? Radha says she listens to no one but you."

Shivaay smiled fondly "She is the queen of her own little world sir. No one can control her. It is just that she loves me so much that she hates to see me unhappy over something and that is my brownie point"

Tej laughed "Om will have a tough time I guess then" he said and Shivaay laughed "Ohh...definitely"

"I can't wait to see them together Shivaay"

"Me too sir. It should be a big fat wedding. I'd like to see a fairytale wedding with my Gauri dressed like a princess to marry her prince charming" he said.

"Of course it will be grand after all it is the wedding of the Oberois with Sharmas" said Tej when he heard a knock on the door. Shivaay and Tej turned to the door and froze in their places. Omkara was looking at them quizzically. Did he hear them? was the question they feared. Lesser the people involved, the better.

Omkara was passing by his father's study when he heard distinct laughter of his dad and Shivaay. He decided to drop by to know what they were discussing. He only heard Sharmas and wedding when he knocked on his father's door and was surprised by their reaction. Both looked pale as if seen a ghost.

"Dad are you okay? You look pale" he asked wondering what brought that reaction from them. They were laughing minutes ago.

Tej and Shivaay smiled forcibly and the former answered "Yes Om, it is something related to the case. Nothing to worry"

He was clearly lying to him and his father rarely lied. He was more curious than before to know the topic of discussion but the dutiful son that he is, nodded an okay and left the place.

If his father doesn't want him to know something, then there would be a valid reason for the same and he ought to respect it.


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